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Comments on "The Thoughts of a Wanderer"


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ANY contructive comments and advice on the story "The Thoughts of A Wanderer" should go here please!


Don't be afraid to tell me what you think, and if you don't like the story explain why! :)


Also, any advice will definately be taken into consideration! Please do not hesitate to give any!

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Nice start. Your first post really did wax poetic (which I like), although others may not care for.


Heh, and poor Bhaalspawn. Three potential love interest, one party. When they are done with him, Irenicus stealing his soul would be the least of his problems.

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Nice start.  Your first post really did wax poetic (which I like), although others may not care for.


Heh, and poor Bhaalspawn.  Three potential love interest, one party.  When they are done with him, Irenicus stealing his soul would be the least of his problems.


Thank you for the comment Bri, it is much appreciated!




Chapter 2 of The Thoughts of a Wanderer is out!

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I noticed that you're missing a word here:

“I care for you Aerie, I truly do; although I do not care for in the way you wish.
I think this is fine, promising work. I know you've written, and learned, much since you wrote this and maybe your opinion of it now has changed but all the same I wanted to compliment you on it. I've read a fair number of attempts at the art of writing fiction in my time and this is good stuff. I'm not overly keen on the section prior to chapter one. Maybe that sort of preface is warranted in a novel but I feel it's likely to disincline readers from reading on. It had this effect on me but luckily I wasn't put off entirely.
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