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Modifying NPCs


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I lack the skill and patience to create my own NPCs. I have seen mods to change the kit/class of Bioware NPCs that simply add new .cre file to the override folder.


Could someone explain how to alter NPCs and thier special items to that I can alter some of the wonderful NPC mods to be useful additions to my party.


I would not dare upload any of these altered cre files to a mod site, as I doubt any modder would care to see their creations bastardized in this fashion.

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Same thing you do for Bio's, only open all the CREs corresponding to whatever character you are trying to change from the mod's folder (generally MyMod/CRE), do your modifications, save the CREs in the mod folder and re-install the mod to update the CRE. You'll have to make sure that you have not yet entered the area where the NPC is spawned for thr changes to take effect.

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Thanks for answering so quickly. What I'm having trouble with is finding a tool to edit items, such as Minsc's Boo, Imoen's Belt, ect. I've just found DLTC Editor, but I still don't know how items are made unusable after substantually altering an NPC. The easiest way may be to simply delete the special item from the cre, but I have a nagging fear that there is some kind of self-destruct built into the game engine. Tutorial sites for BG tools seem to have expired.

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Deleting Boo, iirc will not cause any problems; you'll need to ask about Imoen's belt though. It is plot-related iirc.


For editing items, you can use either NearInfinity, or IEEP; IEEP and TBG tutorials I think can still be found at the Black Wyrm.


You'll probably need to open a separate thread for asking questions about the specifics of Item Editing, describing your intents and problems you are running into exactly; that will help you to get in touch with the folks who have the specific knowledge you seek.

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Imoen's belt makes her immune to any number of ways to die, including setting her minimum allowable hit point total to 1, and making her immune to a whole host of instant-kill effects. The reason for this is because the cut scene at the dungeon's exit is compulsory, and Imoen is clearly not dead in the cut scene, but she is otherwise subject to the normal rules about characters dying while in the dungeon. I have no idea what would happen if you removed it from the CRE and she was killed in the dungeon because I've never tried it - she might appear in the cut scene anyway, but on the other hand I suppose it could blow up the universe.

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