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Cam's In-Depth Review: X-Men 3


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It was warranted. I really wanted to like it, but didn't. No character development whatsoever was a real disappointment; the "story" was just a bad excuse for special effects and action sequences.


Make sure you stay until after the credits are over; the scene afterward had me flip-flop between C- and C (instead of a solid C-).


Go see it anyway, so that it makes a ton of money. If they ever do a 4th one, Bryan Singer might come back if it's such an overwhelming (albeit undeserving) success.

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It was warranted. I really wanted to like it, but didn't. No character development whatsoever was a real disappointment; the "story" was just a bad excuse for special effects and action sequences.


Make sure you stay until after the credits are over; the scene afterward had me flip-flop between C- and C (instead of a solid C-).


Go see it anyway, so that it makes a ton of money. If they ever do a 4th one, Bryan Singer might come back if it's such an overwhelming (albeit undeserving) success.

Exactly. I wouldn't say the first two are paragons of good writing, but the characters are developed to the point where you care. It just seemed like 3 wanted to do too much without laying the groundwork to make me care. Also, why can't Halle Barre act in an X-Men movie? She seems to do fine elsewhere.


And crap--didn't realize there was a scene after the credits. :)

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I thought she was OK in the 2nd one. I couldn't really tell from the 3rd, since she only got one of the two lines of dialogue. :)


I sent Cam a PM (something I never do), to preserve the suspense about that final scene that I'm sure you all must be feeling.


I think my previous post was too harsh. I don't necessarily think the film was bad (I didn't walk out or constantly roll my eyes or anything), it just wasn't at all what I'd expected or hoped for from what is provided in the first two. On its own, it's a survivable period, but it doesn't stand up to the previous installments.


So, if we're not grading on a curve, I'd give it a B- and let it graduate. I hope you didn't stay up to watch it at midnight (losers), but don't feel bad about choosing to see it over Poseidon or whatever crap is currently spewing from the jaws of Hollywood.

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I hear talk that they're going to do three spin-offs before another actual sequel; one focusing on Wolverine (as if the first two movies weren't enough), one about Magneto (Sir Ian whats-his-face hasn't agreed to it, yet) and one supposedly about Mystique (being nekkid <3 ). I say they just get down to X-Men IV so Apocalypse can make his appearance. Well, that and Gambit.


The Rogue / Ice Man thing was bad enough before, though... and now they had to drag Shadowcat (who looked like she was ten years old) into it. I was actually really surprised they just didn't go crazy with it and have Rogue throw herself at Wolverine before she left, just for good measure. I mean, he got all the other ladies. Why not her? :)


What really got me, though, was the fact that the official statement for Nightcrawler's absence was that the cast was too large, and yet they add in Angel for about ten minutes. Ugh, so much for any of the actually cool X-Men doing anything... no, instead we cram in everyone else while Wolverine takes care of the badguys. I must say, though, the Beast rocked in the fight scenes. I'm not the kind to get excited about that kind of thing, but seeing Frasier Krane getting down and dirty was worth the cost of the ticket by itself.


And I'm very surprised no one has mentioned the Juggernaut's moment in the spotlight... although to ruin that would be like spoiling Luke Skywalker's heritage. Truly, one of the best lines in any movie ever :) . I was slightly dissapointed when the Juggernaut didn't even mention his relation to Proffessor X, though. That really bugged me.


And don't even get me started on Psylocke! Gah. Yeah, it was a decent movie if you didn't know anything about the X-Men comics and whatnot.

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Guest Mimic
The Rogue / Ice Man thing was bad enough before, though... and now they had to drag Shadowcat (who looked like she was ten years old) into it. I was actually really surprised they just didn't go crazy with it and have Rogue throw herself at Wolverine before she left, just for good measure. I mean, he got all the other ladies. Why not her?  :)

Because Rogue and Wolverine always had a Brother-Sister relationship. With both of them being outcasts, then it would be silly to have them have anything beyond that. I really don't get the Iceman relationship though. IIRC, after Rogue killed Carol, she avoided closeness with anyone. Except maybe Lonestar.


And don't even get me started on Psylocke! Gah. Yeah, it was a decent movie if you didn't know anything about the X-Men comics and whatnot.

Didn't Psylocke make an appearance in X2? Briefly, but she was there.

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And don't even get me started on Psylocke! Gah. Yeah, it was a decent movie if you didn't know anything about the X-Men comics and whatnot.

Didn't Psylocke make an appearance in X2? Briefly, but she was there.


According to the credits of X3 one of the Brotherhood mutants (the oriental one with purple hair) is credited as Psylocke, though of course she didn't have any of Psylocke's powers...


Sir Ian whats-his-face...


Shame on you :)


Edit: Oh and as for a review from me. They introduced too many characters and then had a short film. Most of the scenes were just jumping to the next plot point, whereas they could have added an extra 45 minutes and taken it at a better pace (and thus improved the cameo characters). On the flipside, there was some good stuff in the film (Kelsey Grammar was pretty amazing as Beast) but it wasn't nearly as good as X2. Oh and Colossus should be Russian...













Oh I'm a bit disappointed they Serenitied us and had the characters with scheduling conflicts die (James Marsden is in Superman Returns).






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With top-notch dialogue such as, "I'm Juggernaut bitch!" how can you not like it?! :)


Seriously, if you go into the movie not expecting much, yes, it is entertaining. And I don't read X-Men comics, so for me it was a nice movie. My friend, who I saw it with, does read the comics, and he noticed several inconsistencies. Nevertheless, he admitted that the movie wasn't bad, and he and I concurred that X-Men 1 and 2 were better flicks.

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I actually thought it was very, very good. Perhaps a bit of overkill in the action department, but the story played out rather nice (apart from being a wee bit non-canon), and both Magneto and Beast were great.


Less story/character development than X2? Perhaps. But I still think the film was great.

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Also, why can't Halle Barre act in an X-Men movie? She seems to do fine elsewhere.


And crap--didn't realize there was a scene after the credits. :)



I haven't seen the third X-men movie, but I thought she did okay as Storm in the previous ones. Not that there was much to the character in the other movies. >.>


In regards to the money the movie pulled in, as of this morning on the radio, they said X3 made $120 million.


Oh, and for those that think the movie wasn't so good, try playing the video games. They're absolutely horrible unless you are an 8 year old kid that likes to hack and slash his way through everything. I know cause I'm one of the guys that tested the games. Bleh...

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