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Separate Class fixes from tweaks?


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I posted a note in the BG2 fixpack about Oversight, and they said that they only include the fixes, not the tweaks. Would it be possible in a new version for the same to happen in Oversight itself? Have them in 2 different components, so you can fix the real buggy parts and leave the iffy-but-pnp choices alone

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I posted a note in the BG2 fixpack about Oversight, and they said that they only include the fixes, not the tweaks. Would it be possible in a new version for the same to happen in Oversight itself? Have them in 2 different components, so you can fix the real buggy parts and leave the iffy-but-pnp choices alone

It sounds like you're referring to the Class Tweaks/Fixes component. From the ReadMe:

Class Tweaks/Fixes

This component changes those creature files with weird/inappropriate classes. I expect this component to be far more controversial than the Alignment Correction component. I doubt anyone will disagree that kobold shamans and hobgoblin captains shouldn't be coded as paladins, but what I do expect to draw more dissent is my reassigning of the Innocent class.


I consider this mod component entirely a fix as many of the class codings are just as insane as the alignment codings; however, I realize some others will disagree, so I've named it Tweaks/Fixes. Call the changes tweaks or fixes (or something unprintable if you'd rather), as you please.

"Tweaks/Fixes" means that the correct term is open to interpretation, not that some are tweaks and some are fixes. As far as P&P goes, what are you thinking of?

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