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Code to check status of Xan Romance

Guest Jazhara7

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Guest Jazhara7

First of all, I want to compliment you on this great mod. It really adds that last bit that was missing to BG 1.


I am greatly enjoying the Xan romance, and I don't want to end it accidentally. So I thought I should check wheter or not the romance is still active. However, I do not have the code of the romance for the CLUAConsole. Would any one be so kind as to tell it to me?


Thank you in advance!



- :beer::):):party::band::bday::beer:

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You will be able to tell that the romance is over if the player-initiated menue changes from flirts to something less romantic without using Clua, and you can track your progress through the romance by using the RomanceGuide included with your BG1NPC mod. The variable, if you absolutely have to use Clua will be either X#XanRomanceActive or X#XaRomanceActive, whichever has a non-zero value. Have fun.

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CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("X#XaRomanceInactive","GLOBAL") should do the trick. If it is 1, you're screwed, and setting it back is not recommended.


But you'll be much better off just clicking on Xan and checking whether there're flirts there(*Hug Xan*) or everyday options("Oh Prophet of Doom, I need thy wisdom!"), as Domi said.


Xan Romance is actually one of the simplest: as long as you are not overly rude to him, and preferably not a half-elf, you'll do fine.

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Thanks for the fast reply.


I was looking for it to check if it was still running. I already had the flirt dialogue, but I panicked after the "Leave me alone..." dialogue. But now it's all alright again, and actually even better. :beer:


As for setting the value back, don't worry about that. I don't feel confident enough to change anything like that with the CLUAConsole (especially since I have a German keyboard, and thus have to remember *where* the special symbols are located for an American English keyboard. And I only learnt it through trial and error when playing Baldur's Gate II.). I'd just use it to check the status.



Thanks again!



- :beer::):):party::band::bday::beer:

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