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TBG: Revived TeamBG opens


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Regardless of how long you've been around the IE Community, the chances are you’ve come across the letters TBG at some time.You've probably noticed that TBG is no longer around. Perhaps you've even thought "Wouldn’t it be great if the place was still kicking about"?


Well guess what? It is! Some of the old timers have been getting nostalgic and decided to reform the old homestead. While IE editing has certainly moved on from when TBG was last around, there is still a need for creativity, originality and guidance. TBG has been reformed in the hopes it can provide a home for these aspects of mod making, and also supply expertise on the technical aspects of mod making. We also want to stir the creative pots a little and see what we can inspire others to do, and we've got a few new tools and tutorials to help out.


Visit TeamBG at http://www.teambg.eu

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