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Solar Stance

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Guest Guest

Hello Kish.


First and foremost, i like to express my appreciation for your great mod. I can't remember when i used to put up with the original retail version and all of its oversights. :)


Anyway, the Monks HLA solar stance seems to be totally uber. Maybe it's just me, but the dispel invisibility and the penalty to saving throws that's supposed to be in the package does not appear to work. The knockback and blindness does, however, and that is what makes it totally a@@-kicking. Wish the monk could Solar his foes' stance more times a day.


Is there any way to make it so that Solar Stance can be taken as many times as the player wishes, as opposed to just 4 times? Can it be done through the console or something? I am not familiar with Weidu coding.


Thanks again for making such a wonderful mod!!! :D

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Guest Guest
You'd actually have to open up the HLA table in NI or DLTCEP to change it......but, yeah, it's perfectly doable.


Really? Thanks. :)


But..... What is a NI or DLTCEP, and how do i open them? :D

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