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WeiDU v195 reports typo


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Even though there is no general "report bug thread" yet (and hopefully no need for one will arise :D ), I wanted to report this:


from my .debug file (didn't know whether you need the whole thing :) ):





[KIT.IDS] parsed

[ALIGN.IDS] parsed

This expression has a typo in the second part: Global("M#AmberLike","Loacals")

[amber/dialogs/m#amber.d] parsed

[amber/dialogs/m#banter.d] parsed

[amber/dialogs/m#interject.d] parsed

[amber/dialogs/m#npcapp.d] parsed






And now back to the game to get that scrumptious tiefling for my group! :D



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Even though there is no general "report bug thread" yet (and hopefully no need for one will arise :D ), I wanted to report this:


from my .debug file (didn't know whether you need the whole thing :) ):


And now back to the game to get that scrumptious tiefling for my group!  :D




That snippet was enough, thank you. Fortunately, the bug should not be fatal (it should only prevent Amber from disliking you a bit more if you happen to make an unfortunately rude comment in one talk). Unless the game chokes on anything that is not GLOBAL or Locals, in which case it could crash or otherwise screw up the dialog. But until this actually occurs to someone, we'll just quietly fix it in the next version (which we are planning to release at some point anyway, but hopefully not quite yet).


Thanks again for reporting the bug. And I'm pretty sure that there are still some left lurking somewhere in the code...

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Thanks for looking! :)


Just wanted to mention it so it can be fixed down the road. Unfortunately I've now run into a much more severe problem. (See my new topic.)




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