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Java Rewrite Dataloss Bug


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The Java rewrite doesn't work for me.

I can select the source and sink directories, but I can get no other action to occur after that :)



EDIT: Just tried the new version posted today. A small improvement over the last version - I nget get a 0 byte dialog.tlk file after clicking go (the old version didn't even do that).

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Just tried the new version posted today. A small improvement over the last version - I nget get a 0 byte dialog.tlk file after clicking go (the old version didn't even do that).

Looking into it.

If you run it in a console (java -jar MultiInstall-....jar ), does it print anything?

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Ok, this appears to be a slightly bigger problem than was thought. There appears to be a bug such that MIT will truncate files in your source folder while copying them. Caution comes recommended. Also, with the published version, there's a bug (now fixed locally) that would cause it to complain about running out of memory if you have less than 8GB available.

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Ok, there's another new version at http://www.gibberlings3.net/downloads/Mult...-20060713-2.jar . This should fix the bug. Can someone verify this?


The problem was that in GameDir.cloneTo(File sink), I the patching was being applied to the source/ file, rather than to the copied file. I've no idea why this would have resulted in a 0-byte file in the sink, but hopefully that won't happen anymore either.

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