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Amber romance?

Guest Epic

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The readme say that Amber can have romance with you in Single player, even if you are in a relationship with another NPC. So my question is, how do you know if Amber want to be in a relationship with you?? So far all she do is ask me about Gorian and Imoen. Will this lead to friendship or romance?

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The readme say that Amber can have romance with you in Single player, even if you are in a relationship with another NPC. So my question is, how do you know if Amber want to be in a relationship with you?? So far all she do is ask me about Gorian and Imoen. Will this lead to friendship or romance?


To enjoy Amber's romance while your PC is romancing another NPC you must create another PC character into the player2 slot.


You can do this if you stat the multiplayer game and creating two characters. You can then save your game and copy the multiplayer save from the 'mpsave' folder into your singleplayer savegame folder. You can load that savegame in your sinleplayer game and have Amber romance the player2.


In your current game (if you only have only one PC) you're headed for the friendship with Amber, if your PC is already committed to another NPC (RomanceActive 2).

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