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missing items?

Guest Kai

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i tried again and still the same problem, done a reinstall of bg1npc too, she still refuses to say that line no matter what i do, however she does react about the dimond in the tree mentioning stuff about dimonds growing on trees and the such

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Kai, hold off on the reinstalling; let's try to fix this version :)


In the clua above, look carefully -- you have a syntax problem where you added an extra " after the 1...


it should read


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Kai, hold off on the reinstalling; let's try to fix this version :)


In the clua above, look carefully -- you have a syntax problem where you added an extra " after the 1...


it should read



ok.. however iwas just coping down what you wrote on page one which had the extra " after the 1 :)

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i just got it write, on page 1 you had a , listed a . :) i figured out the correct command but it fired the dialog AFTER the "i dont want to bury anyone again" it fired teh "so, CHARNAME, how ya doing?" ill try a new game and see how that one goes.


edit: even in a new game, using the clua the dialog skips the dont want to bury anyone dialog.

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Not only did I screw that copy up, but you are completely correct - there is something fishy going on here. DLTCEP shows that your final line goes either to one of 6 NPC interjections if they are in the party, or to the next line, which is the one you remember --- Imoen is truncating this line of dialogue. I will get researching!


You are not crazy, you are not wrong, you remembered correctly... everything after the ActionOverride("gorion",DestroySelf()) is chopping off. Perhaps the ActionOverride is breaking the flow?


Paging a code guru, please:


If this is the case, then I can actually fix this by simply setting a variable that calls the already-created script and removes this from the list of actions!


I am going back to playtest again.


EDIT: And I have a mystery - something is adding this set of variables to bury gorion, and I am not sure what! I will go back trhough all related code and check...

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OK, I fixed the behavior, and can get a playtested fix up this weekend. Unfortunately, it is going to mean tweaking all of the variables for burying Gorion's body, so it will take a little time --


and yep, we have a strange thing going on with Tutu Imoen and her files. I am in the middle of trying to figure out what went wrong :)

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Well, the rebuild of Gorion's Body being buried will take a little more time, but the Imoen banter thing turned out to be a non-reproduceable error (meaning it should be working fine). But... I can get you Imoen's dialogue misfire cleanup fixed right now, and you don't even have to download anything :)


Tell you what - I will start a "hotfix" thread that will have instructions on the fix.


Temporary fix listed in http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?s...ost&p=70317

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Well, the rebuild of Gorion's Body being buried will take a little more time, but the Imoen banter thing turned out to be a non-reproduceable error (meaning it should be working fine). But... I can get you Imoen's dialogue misfire cleanup fixed right now, and you don't even have to download anything :)


Tell you what - I will start a "hotfix" thread that will have instructions on the fix.


Temporary fix listed in http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?s...ost&p=70317


take your time :) ill have nwn2 tomorrow that should tied me over until bg1npc fixes are done (that is if the rumors of nwn2 being like bg2 are true..)

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