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To tail or not to tail

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As the Free for all thread has gone wild (I`m afraid to read all of it) I thought I`d ask this here: As they obviously won`t be having tails since BG2 tiefling avatars aren`t really suitable (are there any?) how about importing the avatars with the corresponding animations from Planescape: Torment? I don`t know much about the possibility of such a thing, but I do know that animations can be imported.

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I think that the animations can be imported, but have a different number of frames and would need to be resized. I also can't remember if either of the sisters actually have tails.


Someone with more knowledge of animations and tails should come along in a bit. :rant:

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*Sets up iron bear trap and motion detector alarms outside window*

That's no good! All security systems should be equipped with high explosives. Lots of them.. Or at least enought fire to evaporate a water elemental.

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