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Mac OSX Amber Problems

Guest Tim

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hey Miera, great mod so far, but on OSX the sound isn't working, which isnt that big a deal, but when she gets abducted the new areas dont load, and the game quits with an error message:

" An assertion failed in Infinity.cpp at line number 1889

Programmer says: Tile set M#AR01 not found"


loving the mod until this though, even with no music, thanks again

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Guest Meira at work

Yep, this problem was located yesterday night and I'll try to get the corrected version of the mod uploaded soon. The issue is caused by a mistake in the batch that unpacks the sound files and area graphics.

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Here's a way to get around the problem in the meantime: Download this, replace the AmberUnpack.sh in the Amber subdirectory (of your BG II folder) with this one, and then reinstall the mod.


(Alternatively, instead of reinstalling the whole mod you could just run the Unpack script itself: Open the Terminal and cd your way to your BG II folder (Usually in Applications/BGII - SoA or similar). Now drag the new AmberUnpack.sh into the Terminal window and press enter - it should run properly this way.

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Here's a way to get around the problem in the meantime: Download this, replace the AmberUnpack.sh in the Amber subdirectory (of your BG II folder) with this one, and then reinstall the mod.


(Alternatively, instead of reinstalling the whole mod you could just run the Unpack script itself: Open the Terminal and cd your way to your BG II folder (Usually in Applications/BGII - SoA or similar). Now drag the new AmberUnpack.sh into the Terminal window and press enter - it should run properly this way.


The link isn't valid anymore. :p

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I've got a problem which might be related to the mentioned one: after Amber got abducted, I wanted to go to the Gouverment destrict. The area wasn't loading at all and the game stuck.

The problem is, I already intalled the mod while using the "Amberunistall.sh"-file... got any idea???

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I've got a problem which might be related to the mentioned one: after Amber got abducted, I wanted to go to the Gouverment destrict. The area wasn't loading at all and the game stuck.

The problem is, I already intalled the mod while using the "Amberunistall.sh"-file... got any idea???


It's highly unlikely that government area refusing to load would have anything to do with Amber's kidnapping. The reason why Amber's areas wouldn't load (and attempting to so crashed the game), is that without the new .sh file the area graphics of those *new* areas wouldn't get unpacked properly. That does not affect original game areas in any way. :)


However, if you can give a more detailed information of your situation, maybe I can still help you. I really don't know much about Mac's, though. :hm:


When you say that the area wasn't loading, did the game just freeze until you rebooted or did it crash to the desktop? (Assuming that that is a relevant question with Mac, I really don't know.)


Did you receive any error messages?


What other mods you have installed and are they weidu or non-weidu mods?


I assume that the you have been able to enter the government district earlier, otherwise you would not even have amber in your party, right? If you load an earlier save, are you able to enter the area?

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Strange engougth the problem is resolved. I checked yesterday if I can still go to other areas and so were able to free Amber. After her rescue I could access the goverment destrict again.

I have some mods running paralell such as: Kivan, Auren Aseph and BG2 tweak pack. I think they're all weidu.


I'm just glad I can still go on playing with the Amber mod since she is a very interesting character. The rescue subplot was really nice!!!



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