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true seeing issue

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outstanding mod David...one issue has come up: true seeing doesn't seem to 'dispel' mirror image. First noticed this when playing an inquisitor during the Tarnesh encounter. did do some tests using other true seeing/true sight spell files, same result.

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outstanding mod David...one issue has come up: true seeing doesn't seem to 'dispel' mirror image. First noticed this when playing an inquisitor during the Tarnesh encounter. did do some tests using other true seeing/true sight spell files, same result.


I can't offhand think why that would be affected by SCS (I don't edit the spells). At a guess it's a problem with core Tutu. I'll have a look if I have a chance but if it is a core Tutu problem there are probably people here better equipped to comment than I.


Glad you like it otherwise!

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