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New Kit for BG2 possible?


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Hi fellow BG fans


i just wanna ask a little q. Can anybody tell me if its possible to create a mod or kit

with a class oder kit for the player like the warlock class in NWN2? The warlock is a class that is able to fire a eldrith blast as often as he wishes, once per round. It raises with the level and can be modded by the player. Also can a warlock wear

light armor and use normal weapon. Also gains the warlock light immunity to 2 damage types (fire etc ). He ist not able to cast many oder spells but the one he can is unlimited and can be modded to be aoe or dd to several enemies and can be modded in Damage type oder range. (for more infos look up at nwn2 mainpage).


It would be great if possible, that would be a great char.


Second question, if it is possible would anybody make him? I would love to play that char.


I dont think the char ist imba, cause he only got one spell (although he raises in strength) he got no super powers.

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All of what you've described sounds doable, mostly though the special ability tab. You'd probably have to choose which spells the warlock will be given, and probably use a Spell Immunity type menu system to chose single target vs aoe vs other targetting choices.


One thing I am curious about, is what "oder" means. I think it may be "other" but "other" doesn't really fit in all the places it is used.

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Balance would depend on what you are talking about in terms of "light armor", "any weapon" and "magical blast".


If by "light armor" you mean leather armor, OK, doesn't sound bad.


If by "normal weapon" you intend the character to be able to use everything from a dart to a 2-handed sword to a composite longbow, that's a lot to expect. How about restricting it to weapons a theif can use?


An infinite number of magical blasts per day is a lot, even if it only does 2 points of damage a pop. Would the normal THACO requirements apply?


What hit die did you intend? Which THACO table would it use?

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One thing I am curious about, is what "oder" means. I think it may be "other" but "other" doesn't really fit in all the places it is used.


Oh, i am sorry, i live in Germany, although i am spanish and i confused "oder" with "or". Happens sometimes while in a rush. sorry

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Balance would depend on what you are talking about in terms of "light armor", "any weapon" and "magical blast".


If by "light armor" you mean leather armor, OK, doesn't sound bad.


If by "normal weapon" you intend the character to be able to use everything from a dart to a 2-handed sword to a composite longbow, that's a lot to expect. How about restricting it to weapons a theif can use?


An infinite number of magical blasts per day is a lot, even if it only does 2 points of damage a pop. Would the normal THACO requirements apply?


What hit die did you intend? Which THACO table would it use?


I thought of a bard kit, without the ability for bardic songs. Light armor is leather and normal weapons are sword, dagger, blunt, etc. only one - hand and NO ranged but all shields allowed. You would not have a spellfailure rate because of the armor (bard) but spellresistance on target applies. Hit die and weaponskill like a normal bard. No thief skills but a bardic lore knowledge, also he is not able to cast magic spells. The eldrith blast (the spell) may only be cast once per round.

You can use spells like e.g.:Magic Missile (Evocation)

Chromatic Orb (Evocation)


This spells have low damage, but constant and the rise in skill. To balance him out a bit he might get a small selection on spells, no dd spells or dots but buffs and debuffs. These would be used as normal spells (limited number per day.)

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Magic Missile never misses, and even mages only get a fixed number of them per day (1 at 1st level). That eldritch blast is overpowered, even if it only does a small amount of damage.


Well, but remind, Mage or Sorcerer has got at least 6 of them per day AND several spells which do even more damage. Also if you are a mage, you cast 1 damage spell per round, right? Or even more, even a bard has at least 5 chromatic orbs per day. But you are right, magic missile is a bad choice, that would be a bit overpowered but what about cromatic orb?

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If the spell is balanced to be at the level of something that one can reliably fire all day (such as arrows or bolts), it should be alright. Making it require a to-hit roll (like Melf's Minute Meteors) would be an excellent balancer for higher damage/infinite casting.


Magic Missile is one of the better spells in the game. At high levels, a spell that does between 10 and 25 points of damage, with no save allowed, fast casting and always hitting is extremely valuable.


Chromatic orb is worse than Magic Missile in some respects, because it scales all the way up to slaying opponents instantly.

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I don't usually disagree with you, BigRob, but this time I do.


No matter how I manipulate the proposal in my mind, it still sounds like a ploy to combine the best aspects of being a sorcerer with the best aspects of being a bard, with none of the balancing penalties. In the two in-game classes, a sorcerer's ability to cast a spell more times per day than a vanilla mage (and still not infinite times, I might add!) is balanced by the complete inability to wear armor *and* a very limited weapon selection. A bard's ability to wear armor, use a broader range of weapons, have a high lore value, and have limited access to thief skills is balanced by a very limited spell-casting ability.


Unlimited access to any spell, even if it is only one spell, and even if it incredibly weak, and especially if it increases in power with caster level, is just too power-gamish for my tastes, even if you restricted the class to no armor and only slings as a weapon choice. Might as well just hit CTRL-Y and speed it up.


Disagreement does not imply that I do not respect opinions that differ from mine! Everyone has a different playing style, and I'm not going to even attempt to claim that mine is right!

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That blast of his doesn't really has to be one of existing spells, does it? You can make a new spell which will have animation of, say, Magic Missile (single, as if cast at level 1), or Chromatic Orb, but will require to-hit roll and do damage varying per level.


I think ability to wear armor with no penalties is too much of an advantage. Either that, or don't let him use swords/blunts. Or reduce his THAC0 progression to that of the sorcererer/mage, then his blast will probably be hitting targets less than 20% of the time.


As long as spell selection he gets is reasonably limited, the result may be more or less balanced.

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