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improved alacrity via wish


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I've just tried it and found that improved alacrity does not work. And i don't even sure that time stop double-lengthed. I have big picture installed also, may it cause such thing?


And one minor question about cloak of mirroring - I believe it should not protect against any area effect spells, is there any way to change it quickly?

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Mods that use the old-style detectable spells may well be overwriting spwish17.spl with a detectable version that also kills the fixpack's repairs - there's a lot of these mods though, and I don't even know for sure that it's included in all of them.


As for the cloak, you'd need to rip out the existing effects (including the immunity to secondary type that comes with BG2) and replace them with specific spell immunities. May not be quick enough for you.

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	   PATCH_IF ("%opcode%" = 189) BEGIN // increase casting speed
		WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" +		(0x30 * ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%abil_fx_num%"))) 188 // increase spells/round
		WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x30 * ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%abil_fx_num%"))) 0


Shouldn't 0x04 be 0x08 also?


	   PATCH_IF ("%opcode%" = 189) BEGIN // increase casting speed
		WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" +		(0x30 * ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%abil_fx_num%"))) 188 // increase spells/round
		WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x30 * ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%abil_fx_num%"))) 1

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QUOTE(Sikret @ Aug 9 2006, 06:40 AM) *

EDIT: The BG2 fixpack V.1 (non-beta) is definitely incompatible with Improved Anvil. The fixpack has a bug which ruines of the game's original spells and directly affects IA's scripts. (Even without IA, your game will be bugged if you install the mentioned version of the fixpack.)



Sikret, don't you think that perhaps some kind of line needs to be drawn between bugs which really break or ruin a game for player, and small things like this that player may not even notice?


SPWISH17.SPL is bugged in unmodded game, that's the reason Fixpack is touching it in the first place. It uses "Increase casting speed factor" effect instead of "Increase spells cast per round" (i.e. it's not actually providing proclaimed "Improved Alacricity").


The above is mainly RE: "Even without IA, ...".


Knowing CamDawg, I'm sure it's already fixed and added to upcoming next mod release. What troubles me is that you seem to insist on using every opportunity to claim incompatibility between the two mods. I know you've given your reasons for not recommending G3 Fixpack in this very thread, but that doesn't explain why it was still listed as incompatible after several people reported otherwise (apparently, the current issue of "broken" spell was not so important as to prevent them from enjoying benefits of both mods).


What does this mean to me - a player with avarage understanding of above quotation? If I want to use BG2 Fixpack whatsoever, should I avoid Improved Anvil?


Regards from a player who wants to have fun

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If I want to use BG2 Fixpack whatsoever, should I avoid Improved Anvil?

Regards from a player who wants to have fun


Nah, it just means that one of the vast number of fixes in the Fixpack didn't go quite far enough and left a spell in its original broken state.


Unless Improved Anvil is actually requiring some files to be broken, you shouldn't have any difficulties.

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IA requires some files to be broken.


That sounds worse than it is intended.


It is my understanding that the double-duration spells are used to enhance the challenge of specific encounters. These encounters are used to balance the significant rewards offered.


It is also possible that I don't really understand what is broken. I'm thinking it's spell duration, but I am often mistaken.

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The spell in question is originally used only in one specific case: if you summon a genie using Wish spell, and choose a reply line which reads:

"Cast a double-length 'Time Stop' and 'Improved Alacrity' on the caster."

In that case the negative impact of the bug will be that you'll get the "Time-Stop" but won't get "Improved Alacricity".


In original unmodded game, you wouldn't get Improved Alacricity either because of another bug - the spell was giving you increased casting speed (a-la Robe of Vecna) instead.


Apparently, IA uses this spell on several "immeasurably important" occasions so that this little thing makes two mods "completely incompatible".


IA requires some files to be broken.


I think Sikret's point so far has always been "why you people insist on using that G3 fixpack when there's such a wonderful and stable thing as original BD ToB Fixpack". Yes, BD ToB probably fixes this bug (I'm too lazy to go checking) by good-old file overwriting method. But it doesn't fix a dozen of other things which I've grown to like fixed.

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The fixpack has a bug which ruines of the game's original spells

While this is such an incomprehensible grammatical disaster that I'm having a hard time envisaging the meaning he was trying to convey, would I be correct in assuming that he is sufficiently full of shit as to subliminally imply that the Fixpack breaks ALL the spells?

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On topic, please.


pro5 summed up the consequences of the patching error; if you wish to use both the current version of the fixpack and the released version of IA but want the alacrity part of the spell to function correctly, you can install the fixpack, delete SPWISH17.SPL from your override folder, download the Baldurdash bugfix for this spell, extract and move the SPWISH17.SPL file to your override folder, and then install IA.


Although I can't speculate on a release date, the issue with the fixpack patch for this spell should be resolved in v2.

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I never formally responded to Gort's report of the bug, but I did fix this locally and it's in v2. For those who want a fix immediately, devSin's got your fix a few posts up, and then we can move on to the next issue du jour.


Open, frank, critical, brutally honest discussion is always welcome, but we can do it without taking free shots at folks. Knock it off.

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