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Visible Flag (embedded CRE)


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I found another one for the IESDP folks:


CRE V9.0


offset 0x270, 1 byte


If this is set to 0x01, the CRE is hidden. If this is set to 0x00, the creature is not hidden.


How do I know this? Well, I found that Hrothgar was in Easthaven following my party around after converting the IWD2, but in IWD1 he not around. I hacked the saved ARE so that the above flag was 0x00 (it was 0x01 for Hrothgar, but not for any other Actor) and voila! He suddenly appeared and doggedly followed me around.


Now if I can only figure out how this flag gets set...

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Hi Avenger,


Yes, the thread you pointed me to describes the actions/triggers for "is hidden". The piece I'm adding is where this state is stored (1 byte at offset 0x270 in CRE V1.90). I haven't seen this documented anywhere (it might be in a newer DLTCEP but it's not in the current IESDP). I think the corresponding flag ("is hidden") for the CRE V2.2 is at offset 0x29C, but I'm not at all sure.



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Ah okay it works. Hrothgar is hidden in Easthaven (that is until you go on a mad killing spree, then he'll show up and open a can 'o woop@ss).


For the record, the fields once again are:


CRE V9.0 : 1 byte at 0x270 (0x00 => visible, 0x01 => hidden)

CRE V2.2 : 1 byte at 0x29C (0x00 => visible, 0x01 => hidden)


I'm going to try and add these to NearInfinity (and I have to start supporting that project again some time soon).



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I always wondered how Hrothgar and Arundel showed up automatically when you started smacking the peasants around.


I'm going to try and add these to NearInfinity (and I have to start supporting that project again some time soon).
Affirmative. ;)


I updated my source archive with these (I used 1-byte Bitmap()s). Still leaves the subsequent 2 bytes (the first of which, at 0x26a, is almost always 1). Hopefully, you can figure out any other possible values.

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