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Item Visual Effect Modding


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Some items, such as the Girdle of Beautification (effect Bless when worn) have a visual effect. For the aforementioned girdle, it makes you glow purple. The effect is nice, but it would be nice to edit it so that it could be worn without my character glowing purple constantly.


I am interested in IWD1, HoW, IWD2! Thanks in Advance!

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That should be easy. You should be able to just drill down into that ITM file in DLTCEP (PC) or NI (PC/Mac) and delete that particular EFF file.

slightly hiijacking, I don't really like the blur effect on various items (such as claw of Kazgaroth... any got a piccie of it too? Never seen it...) and I'm looking at deleting the blur effect. Is the armour bonus against missiles tied to the blur effect specifically, so that I'll have to add an AC bonus against missiles property?

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The girdle of beatification (not beautification) has only a bless and a portrait icon effect on it. No color glow. So it would be tough to remove the purple stuff.


If you have luck, the bless effect sets up a color glow effect, which you could disable by an effect inserting before the bless effect. This is highly theoretical :p

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Miloch, the Girdle of Beautification is an IWD2 item. IWD2 doesn't have EFF files - they just extended the SPL/ITM files...


As far as I know, the best way to remove the purple colour from this item is to change the Bless effect into a Base Attack Bonus effect. In addition, you would need an effect to setup the "Dispel Bane" part as well (an immunity effect wouldn't really be right, as casting Bane on a character with Bless simply removes the attack bonus)

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Miloch, the Girdle of Beautification is an IWD2 item. IWD2 doesn't have EFF files - they just extended the SPL/ITM files...
Really? I guess I just assumed it worked the same was as the BGs - I don't really know since I don't have the IWDs. But what are these then?
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