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Slow to Cast


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Draw Upon Holy Might description says it has a casting time of 2, but the the spell is set up to have a casting speed of 10.


This affects SPIN103 and SPPR214.


A!CH23 from Divine remix - description says casting time of 2, but the spell is set up to have a casting speed of 5


I want my DUHM and I want it now! :p

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Draw Upon Holy Might description says it has a casting time of 2, but the the spell is set up to have a casting speed of 10.


This affects SPIN103 and SPPR214.


A!CH23 from Divine remix - description says casting time of 2, but the spell is set up to have a casting speed of 5


I want my DUHM and I want it now! ;)


Bumpty Bump, since Cam seems to be looking at these things ATM.

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Same warnings as the weapon speeds--no GTU, don't trust this for non-party-castable spells, etc. and so forth.


BALSHLD.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
BALSHLD2.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 4
BALTH01.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
BALTH06.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
BALTH07.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 4
BHAAL1A.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
BHAAL1B.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 7
BHAAL2A.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
BHAAL2B.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
BHAAL3B.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
BHAAL4A.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
DEMOCHM.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
DEVAHEAL.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
DGARCHON.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
DGFAITH.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
DGRIGHT.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
JWGLOBE.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
KELDORN.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
MELIS02.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 9
MELIS02B.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
MELSTONE.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SENSPIHE.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SENSPISU.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPBLUN29.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPCL211.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPCL212.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 2
SPCL213.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPCL232D.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 8
SPCL233.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPCL311.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPCL611.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPCL612.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPCL613.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPCL643.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPCL644.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPCL731.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPCL815.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPCL923.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPCRYO01.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPCRYOD.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 4
SPCTMD01.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPDR101.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPDR201.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPDR301.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPDR401.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPDR501.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPDR601.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPIMIX01.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 8
SPIMIXD.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 4
SPIN101.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN102.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN103.SPL error: File has speed 10, description says 2
SPIN104.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPIN105.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 2
SPIN106.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPIN108.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN109.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN112.SPL error: File has speed 4, description says 3
SPIN113.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN114.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPIN115.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPIN116.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPIN117.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN118.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 2
SPIN119.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN120.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 2
SPIN121.SPL error: File has speed 4, description says 1
SPIN123.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPIN124.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPIN151.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPIN200.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 7
SPIN201.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN202.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 7
SPIN203.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 6
SPIN529.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 4
SPIN530.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 4
SPIN531.SPL error: File has speed 8, description says 9
SPIN532.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 4
SPIN538.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPIN542.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPIN543.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN544.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPIN545.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN546.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPIN547.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 3
SPIN560.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 9
SPIN564.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 3
SPIN565.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPIN569.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPIN570.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPIN572.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 3
SPIN579.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPIN580.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 9
SPIN597.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPIN608.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN611.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 3
SPIN613.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN614.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN615.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 9
SPIN616.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 9
SPIN622.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN623.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPIN632.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 6
SPIN633.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 8
SPIN634.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPIN635.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 3
SPIN636.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 8
SPIN644.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPIN647.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPIN648.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPIN651.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN652.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN653.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN654.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN655.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 3
SPIN663.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPIN667.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 4
SPIN679.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPIN681.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 9
SPIN682.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 4
SPIN684.SPL error: File has speed 6, description says 8
SPIN685.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN686.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN687.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPIN689.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 5
SPIN692.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPIN694.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPIN695.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 3
SPIN701.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 3
SPIN702.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPIN703.SPL error: File has speed 5, description says 6
SPIN704.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPIN710.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPIN711.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN714.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN714.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN714.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN714.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN714.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN714.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPIN717.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN718.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 4
SPIN719.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPIN723.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPIN730.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPIN774.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPIN776.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 6
SPIN783.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN786.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 9
SPIN788.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 9
SPIN789.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN799.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPIN808.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPIN810.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN813.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPIN819.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 3
SPIN820.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPIN822.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN823.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN824.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPIN825.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 4
SPIN826.SPL error: File has speed 2, description says 1
SPIN827.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN828.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPIN830.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPIN831.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 4
SPIN836.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPIN837.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPIN852.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPIN853.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPIN865.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPIN866.SPL error: File has speed 5, description says 6
SPIN888.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 6
SPIN889.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 6
SPIN892.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN944.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN956.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPIN958.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 7
SPIN978.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN978.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN978.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN978.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN978.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN978.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN978.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPIN998.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPINHUM.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPJA01.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPMDSLAY.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 4
SPOGRE01.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR101.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR102.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR103.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR104.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 2
SPPR105.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPPR106.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPPR107.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR108.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR109.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPPR110.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPPR111.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR113.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR201.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR202.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR203.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR204.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR205.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR205D.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPPR206.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPPR207.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR208.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR210.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR211.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR212.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR213.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR214.SPL error: File has speed 5, description says 2
SPPR301.SPL error: File has speed 5, description says 1
SPPR302.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR303.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPPR305.SPL error: File has speed 6, description says 5
SPPR306.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPPR307.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPPR308.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPPR309.SPL error: File has speed 7, description says 8
SPPR310.SPL error: File has speed 6, description says 5
SPPR311.SPL error: File has speed 6, description says 5
SPPR312.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPPR313.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPPR314.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPPR315.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR317.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR318.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPPR319.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR401.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPPR402.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPPR403.SPL error: File has speed 4, description says 5
SPPR404.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR405.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPPR406.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR407.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPPR408.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPPR409.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR410.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPPR411.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPPR412.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPPR413.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPPR414.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPPR415.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPPR416.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPPR417.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPPR501.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPPR502.SPL error: File has speed 7, description says 8
SPPR503.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPPR504.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR505.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPPR505D.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 8
SPPR506.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPPR507.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPPR508.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPPR509.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR510.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPPR511.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR512.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR513.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR514.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR515.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR515D.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR516.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR517.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR601.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR602.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR603.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR603D.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR604.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR605.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR606.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR607.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR608.SPL error: File has speed 8, description says 1
SPPR609.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR610.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR611.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR612.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR613.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPPR614.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPPR698.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR698D.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 9
SPPR699.SPL error: File has speed 8, description says 1
SPPR701.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR702.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR703.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR704.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPPR705.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR706.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR707.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPPR708.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR709.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPPR710.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR711.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 7
SPPR712.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR713.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPPR715.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR717.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 5
SPPR718.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR719.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPPR720.SPL error: File has speed 5, description says 1
SPPR721.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPPR722.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPPR723.SPL error: File has speed 6, description says 1
SPPR724.SPL error: File has speed 6, description says 1
SPPR725.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR725D.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPPR726.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR727.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR728.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPPR729.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPPR730.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPPR730D.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 4
SPPR731.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR732.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR950.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPPR951D.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 4
SPPR952D.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 4
SPPR987.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPPR999.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPRA301.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPRA302.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPRA303.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPRA304.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPRA305.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPRA306.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI001.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI002.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI003.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI053.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI054.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI055.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI056.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 6
SPWI101.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI102.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI103.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI104.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI105.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI106.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI107.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI108.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI112.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI113.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI114.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI115.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI116.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI117.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI118.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI119.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI120.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI123.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 1
SPWI124.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 5
SPWI125.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI201.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI202.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI203.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI205.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI206.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI207.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI208.SPL error: File has speed 2, description says 1
SPWI209.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI210.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI211.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 2
SPWI211.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI211.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI211.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI211.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI211.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI211.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI212.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI213.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI214.SPL error: File has speed 2, description says 1
SPWI215.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI217.SPL error: File has speed 2, description says 3
SPWI218.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI219.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI220.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI221.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI222.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI223.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI224.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWI298.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPWI299.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI301.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI302.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI303.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI304.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI305.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI306.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI307.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI308.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI309.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 4
SPWI310.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI311.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI312.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI313.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI314.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI316.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI317.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI318.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI319.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI320.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI321.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI324.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI325.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI326.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI399.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI401.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI402.SPL error: File has speed 2, description says 1
SPWI403.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI403D.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 4
SPWI404.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI405.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI406.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI407.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI408.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPWI409.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI410.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI411.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI412.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI413.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI414.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI415.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI416.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI417.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI418.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI418D.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 4
SPWI419.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI420.SPL error: File has speed 11, description says 1
SPWI420D.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI421.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI423.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI424.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI425.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI490.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPWI491.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPWI498.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPWI499.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5
SPWI501.SPL error: File has speed 5, description says 1
SPWI502.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI503.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI504.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 5
SPWI505.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 2
SPWI506.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI507.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI508.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI509.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI510.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPWI511.SPL error: File has speed 5, description says 2
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI511.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI512.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI513.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI514.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI515.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI517.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI517.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI518.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI519.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPWI522.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI522.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI523.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI601.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI602.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI603.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI604.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI605.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI606.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI607.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI608.SPL error: File has speed 4, description says 6
SPWI609.SPL error: File has speed 6, description says 8
SPWI609D.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPWI611.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI612.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI613.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI614.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI615.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI616.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI617.SPL error: File has speed 10, description says 1
SPWI617.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI617.SPL error: Speeds do no match between ability headers.
SPWI618.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI619.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI623.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI624.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI625.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 6.
SPWI701.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPWI702.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPWI703.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI704.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI705.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPWI708.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI710.SPL error: File has speed 11, description says 1
SPWI710D.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI711.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPWI712.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPWI713.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI714.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPWI715.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI716.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPWI717.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI718.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI719.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI720.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPWI721.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 7.
SPWI722.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI723.SPL error: File has speed 2, description says 7
SPWI802.SPL error: File has speed 8, description says 6
SPWI803.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPWI804.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI805.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPWI807.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI808.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI809.SPL error: File has speed 11, description says 1
SPWI809D.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI810.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPWI811.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 1
SPWI812.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPWI813.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI815.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI816.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 1
SPWI817.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 1
SPWI818.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 8.
SPWI853.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI888.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI897.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 1
SPWI898.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 1
SPWI899.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 1
SPWI902.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI903.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI905.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI907.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI908.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWI909.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI910.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI911.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI912.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWI913.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI914.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI915.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWI916.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI917.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI918.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI919.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI920.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI921.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SPWI922.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI923.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI924.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWI925.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI926.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPWI943.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 3
SPWI979.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 8
SPWI982.SPL error: File has speed 2, description says 1
SPWI994.SPL error: File has speed 2, description says 1
SPWI995.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPWI997.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWI998.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWISH07.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWISH09.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 9
SPWISH10.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 2
SPWISH17.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 9
SPWISH18.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPWISH19.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 3
SPWISH24.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 9
SPWISH25.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 3
SPWISH26.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPWISH27.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 3
SPWISH28.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPWISH29.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPWISH30.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPWISH31.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPWISH32.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 8
SPWISH34.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPWISH35.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPWISH36.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 3
SPWISH37.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 3
SPWISH38.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 5
SPWISH39.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 1
SPWISH40.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 3
SPWISH46.SPL error: File has speed 0, description says 3
SPWM101.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWM101D.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWM111.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM113.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM114.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM122.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWM123.SPL error: File has speed 3, description says 1
SPWM125.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM126.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM136.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWM140.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWM141.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWM142.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 5.
SPWM143.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM145.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM152.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM162.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWM164.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 3.
SPWM167.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM168.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1
SPWM178.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWM179.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM183.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM186.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWM187.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 2.
SPWM188.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 1.
SPWM191.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPWM198.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 4.
SPYANC01.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 3
SPYANCD.SPL is OK: speeds agree at 9.
SW2H10DM.SPL error: File has speed 1, description says 5

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sppr305, spwi123, spwi124, spwi517, spwi809, spwi811 are already fixed.


spwi102 has its casting time adjusted already, but incorrectly, so it's now fixed.


The non-PC-memorizable spells here (pretty much anything not starting with sppr or spwi) are ignored. Most of these are special spells for traps, kit abilities, bosses, etc. and the descriptions assigned are typically leftover from whatever spell from which they were copied. One other common false positive was stuff like "SPPR504.SPL error: File has speed 9, description says 1". The description actually says casting time is 1 round, hence 9 is correct for the casting speed listed in the file.


Actual bugs addressed:


// casting speed fixes
COPY_EXISTING ~spin104.spl~ ~override~ // innate lmd
		  ~spwi402.spl~ ~override~ // dimension door
		  ~spwi408.spl~ ~override~ // stoneskin
 READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 1

// casting speed fixes
COPY_EXISTING ~spin103.spl~ ~override~ // duhm innate
		  ~spin105.spl~ ~override~ // innate horror
		  ~sppr104.spl~ ~override~ // detect evil
		  ~spwi211.spl~ ~override~ // melf's acid arrow
		  ~sppr214.spl~ ~override~ // duhm divine
		  ~spwi505.spl~ ~override~ // shadow door
		  ~spwi511.spl~ ~override~ // protection from normal weapons
 READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 2

// casting speed fixes
COPY_EXISTING ~spwi217.spl~ ~override~ // aganazzar's scorcher
 READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 3

// casting speed fixes
COPY_EXISTING ~spwi309.spl~ ~override~ // mon summoning i
 READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 4

// casting speed fixes
COPY_EXISTING ~sppr310.spl~ ~override~ // miscast magic
		  ~sppr311.spl~ ~override~ // rigid thinking
		  ~sppr403.spl~ ~override~ // free action
		  ~sppr717.spl~ ~override~ // creeping doom
		  ~spwi504.spl~ ~override~ // mon summoning iii
		  ~spwi522.spl~ ~override~ // minor spell turning
 READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 5

// casting speed fixes
COPY_EXISTING ~spwi608.spl~ ~override~ // pierce magic
		  ~spwi802.spl~ ~override~ // spell deflection
 READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 6

// casting speed fixes
COPY_EXISTING ~sppr711.spl~ ~override~ // regeneration
		  ~spwi723.spl~ ~override~ // improved chaos shield
 READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 7

// casting speed fixes
COPY_EXISTING ~sppr301.spl~ ~override~ // invisibility purge
		  ~sppr502.spl~ ~override~ // cure crit wounds
		  ~spwi609.spl~ ~override~ // true sight
 READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 8

// casting speed fixes
COPY_EXISTING ~sppr301.spl~ ~override~ // animate dead - divine
		  ~spwi501.spl~ ~override~ // animate dead - arcane
		  ~sppr301.spl~ ~override~ // call lightning
		  ~sppr506.spl~ ~override~ // iron skins
		  ~sppr608.spl~ ~override~ // harm
		  ~sppr720.spl~ ~override~ // earthquake
		  ~sppr723.spl~ ~override~ // elemental summoning
		  ~sppr724.spl~ ~override~ // greater elemental summoning
		  ~spwi208.spl~ ~override~ // know alignment
		  ~spwi214.spl~ ~override~ // strength
		  ~spwi420.spl~ ~override~ // minor sequencer
		  ~spwi617.spl~ ~override~ // contingency
		  ~spwi710.spl~ ~override~ // spell sequencer
 READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 9


A!CH23 from Divine remix - description says casting time of 2, but the spell is set up to have a casting speed of 5

Song & Silence, actually. Since it's cloned on the fly from sppr214, fixes to sppr214 will be passed down to it.

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No character can cast dimension door anyway and as far as I know, only hive mothers and mindflayer-types use it to permanently gate themselves out from the game, avoiding getting killed and basically draining experience.

Some other creatures use it to gate in/out for special effects, but not for the same purpose as above and for those the speed does not really matter as they usually are invulnerable at that point.


Thus, I think the speed for dimension door should stay as is or be actually increased as its simply annoying to hit a flayer/beholder down to near death just to see them insta casting it to escape.


just my 2 cents of course ;)

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Thanks Cam :D


I'll be DUHMer faster now ;)


Of course, with your comprehensive approach, it probablys means that one or two of my other favorite spells are now slower to cast. Oh well.


I forgot I had Song and Silence installed. Nice catch.



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No character can cast dimension door anyway and as far as I know, only hive mothers and mindflayer-types use it to permanently gate themselves out from the game, avoiding getting killed and basically draining experience.

Some other creatures use it to gate in/out for special effects, but not for the same purpose as above and for those the speed does not really matter as they usually are invulnerable at that point.

Most creatures that DD don't use the player version, so this has substantially less effect than you think. ;) I added it to the patch list because I know Ding0's Tweaks restores it.

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Trigger/contingency flagged spells ignore casting time, all you can do is amend the description ;)

Sequencers, triggers and contingencies already list their casting times as one round, so at most we've got a redundant patch for them.

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// casting speeds
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.spl$~ ~override~
 READ_LONG   0x64 "abil_off" ELSE 0
 READ_SHORT  0x68 "abil_num" ELSE 0
 SET "base_speed" = 99
 SET "check" = 0
 SET "MATCH1" = 99
 FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN // looks for melee ability header
READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + ("%index%" * 0x28)) "speed"
PATCH_IF ("%base_speed%" = 99) BEGIN
  SET "base_speed" = "speed"
  PATCH_IF ("%speed%" != "%base_speed%") BEGIN
	PATCH_PRINT "%SOURCE_FILE% error: Speeds do no match between ability headers."
 PATCH_IF (("%valid%" >= 0) AND ("%valid%" < 80000)) BEGIN
SET "check" = 1
PATCH_IF (("%valid%" >= 0) AND ("%valid%" < 80000)) BEGIN
  SET "check" = 1
 PATCH_IF ("%check%" = 1) BEGIN
INNER_PATCH ~%description%~ BEGIN
  REPLACE_EVALUATE ~Casting[%tab%  ]+Time:[%tab%  ]+\([0-9]+\)~ BEGIN
	PATCH_IF ("%MATCH1%" != "%speed%") BEGIN
	  PATCH_PRINT "%SOURCE_FILE% error: File has speed %speed%, description says %MATCH1%"
	  PATCH_PRINT "%SOURCE_FILE% is OK: speeds agree at %MATCH1%."

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