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What is your RPG Stereotype?


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You have an inner demon that loves to surface at the most innopportune moments. Whenever something angers you, you are quick to react, take revenge, and ensure it won't happen again.


Although this tends to give you a warrior's image, you often can't control your emotional nature, and let outside circumstances rule your actions. Quit letting the world get under your skin.

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You are a:



You have an inner demon that loves to surface at the most innopportune moments.  Whenever something angers you, you are quick to react, take revenge, and ensure it won't happen again.


Although this tends to give you a warrior's image, you often can't control your emotional nature, and let outside circumstances rule your actions.  Quit letting the world get under your skin.

now why doesn't this surprise me???

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You want to believe everyone is out to get you.It's easier that way.You don't get hurt that way.From experience,or just personal angst,you choose to think the worst about people before you give them a chance.Consequently,you seem rough and callous to people who get near you.But deep down,you still follow your own,self-created code of ethics.

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I'm not obnoxious, am I?  WELL, AM I?!?!?  :)

Absolutely not! Why, anyone who would call us obnoxious is out of their mind. Why, if they had actually seen the way we slew that dragon, they would certainly think otherwise! I mean, come on!! A dragon, we slew! ...

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Absolutely not!  Why, anyone who would call us obnoxious is out of their mind.  Why, if they had actually seen the way we slew that dragon, they would certainly think otherwise!  I mean, come on!!  A dragon, we slew!  ...

And we saved the town besides. :)


@Loké: ;) back at you! :)

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