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Looking to give Cailean a voice


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We're looking for a male actor to give Cailean a voice. Cailean will have several hundred voiced lines (including his soundset) in SOA, so this is a fairly big job. We're looking for someone who will be fairly certain to be around long enough to voice the TOB portion after it gets written. Cailean is a romance enabled NPC, so some of his voiced dialog will be romantic (and romantic dialog is not for the faint of heart.) Cailean is a half-elf archer.


A bit about Cailean:

A natural risk-taker with a good heart and a strong sense of loyalty towards family and friends, Cailean also had an unfortunate tendency towards impulsiveness coupled with a weakness for the occasional practical joke. After months on the run, however, he had become somewhat withdrawn and wary of others, a little fearful of letting himself be manipulated and taken advantage of again.


If you're interested, please email either myself (kismet@sillyhood.com) or St. Josephine (jirosset@yahoo.com) and we'll send you some sample lines. If you want more information about Cailean, please visit his forum.

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