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Retired Gibberlings
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Everything posted by Idobek

  1. Version v5


    From Idobek: "This mod started as a request (by me) in the Divine Remix workroom for Anomen to be awarded a Priest of Helm kit upon passing his knighthood test. Deciding this was outside Remix's remit I quickly spun it off into its own mod--perhaps too quickly. A couple of days later I thought that the mod could be bigger and the NPC Kitpack was born, designed simply to give those NPCs without kits the chance improve their lot. Originally I had only planned on giving each NPC one of the original BioWare kits. This, however, turned out not to be feasible. This mod will add four new kits and provide the opportunity to give a kit to eight of the BioWare NPCs." Learn more about the mod View the Readme Visit the Forum
  2. Version v3


    The Mod Kit Remover is a WeiDU mod that will remove all mod or all mod and BioWare kits from the character creation screen. The mod was primarily made because The Darkest Day fills all available kit slots, but players wished to use kits from other mods when playing it. Learn more about the mod View the Readme Visit the Forum
  3. Here's an example of how to scan weapprof.2da to find your kit's column and update the values with those taken of the parent class. This will take into account all mods which change these values, no checks required. COPY_EXISTING ~weapprof.2da~ ~override~ READ_2DA_ENTRY 2 53 1 "kitname" FOR (column = 53; "%kitname%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "IK_ADVENTURER" != 0; column = column + 1) BEGIN READ_2DA_ENTRY 2 column 1 "kitname" END FOR (row = 11; row < 35; row = row + 1) BEGIN READ_2DA_ENTRY row 7 1 "thief" SET_2DA_ENTRY row column 1 thief // Adventurer END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES
  4. I would prefer to think that a ranger's racial enemy selects them. So, gnolls became Minsc's racial enemy when they kidnapped his witch and liches became Valygar's racial enemy following his mothers conversion.
  5. Not his mother, perhaps, but all other liches? Yes, I think he might have an issue with them. I feel his mother being a lich enforces the argument for them to be his racial enemy. I see it as an extension of his strained relationship with magic.
  6. Now I like that idea. I might even steal it.
  7. Don't be like that. You posted your ideas and your arguments for them. We posted our arguements against. This is what a discussion board is for. Also notice that nobody has yet disagreed that something has to be done with Anomen. Including myself and I have a mod that tries to correct this.
  8. I'd say that's the entire point. Also, those thief levels make little or no difference to her mage power, so why remove them? Oh, and NPC Kit Pack has the option to give Nalia a mage kit.
  9. It doesn't matter in the slightest what is there--the offset isn't used in spells. A lot of files have junk in them. As it is supposed to, yes. Possibly yes, but that discussion belongs in the IESDP forum.
  10. You want UNIDENTIFIED_DESC not DESC. Nobody's quite sure what those offsets are, NI has both down as possible resrefs but for what is unknown.
  11. You're wrong. The unIDed description offset is 0x50 (4 bytes) the IDed description offset is 0x54 (also 4 bytes). Spells and items are the same. Although spells don't actually require IDed names or descriptions, Cam has an er... (insert nice word for "anal" here) side.
  12. Which mirror did you download from and what anti-virus software are you using?
  13. I think I'll take Omega Male because I suspect women use "Not if you were the last man on Earth!" without really thinking about it.
  14. Only one kit at a time is ever active. Kit abilities may remain but the description will be gone and you will no longer level up in a kit that you have subsequently overridden. I haven't tried.
  15. Cam's excuses for not having done any coding get more and more filmsy. No furniture? What kind of excuse do you call that? Tables and chairs are not requirements for modding. Is the floor not good enough for our esteemed leader? Pah!
  16. Idobek

    The IESDP

    The Infinity Engine Structures Description Project is currently hosted here at G3: http://iesdp.gibberlings3.net/
  17. Only one kit can be active at any one time. You will only gain kit abilities at level up in the active kit, the other half of a multiclass would be treated as a trueclass. However, in the case of specialist mages it is probably possible to fudge something so the other kit gives the appropriate bonuses/restrictions.
  18. I don't know what is causing your CDTs but it isn't bad string refs.
  19. You don't need to change the tra file, just add: SAY NAME1 ~Planetar~ SAY NAME2 ~Planetar~ The string refs in the cre file are probably correct for a standard ToB install, but possibly not for a BP one.
  20. I'd compile during install, it's generally easier because you only have to deal with the one file. ie Just the baf, not the baf and the bcs. EDIT: Clarifcation
  21. The operating system makes no difference in the compilation of bcs files.
  22. This tutorial is designed to help people play their romance love songs using a WAV file without the game music playing over the top of it. NOTE: If you are planning to use an ACM for your music none of this applies. There have been problems in the past with adding music to mods. While the game's ACM music format is smaller than WAV, it is much larger than MP3 or OGG files, leading to longer downloads. The main problem is that game music will play over the love song if it is not switched off somehow. The current method of switching off the game music for the duration is to add a blank entry to the songlist, using WeiDU's ADD_MUSIC, facility to make use of the blank music file that BioWare kindly provided. Unfortunately there is a problem with this method in that the songlist has limited space, (a total of 100 song slots of which 84 are already filled by the game) and several mods adding blank music entries is not a good thing. Help is at hand, there is an entry is the songlist that is not currently used by the game or other mods. If you look at row 0 of songlist.2da you will see **** listed as the resource, if we replace this with a mus file that plays blank.acm we can have a universal entry for a blank song. Here's what you need to do. First you need a mus file that plays blank.acm here is an example: It doesn't have to be called j#blank.mus, this is just an example. Second we need to copy it to the music folder and then add it to the songlist, here it the tp2 code to do this: Now to play your love song without the game music running over it simply use PlaySong(0) before using PlaySound("LOVESONG"). Here is an example I lifted (and then altered) from Kelsey: To finish, a bit of basic sound file stuff. The best way to package your sounds is as 22 Khz mono OGG files, quality level 4 is usually sufficient for both voice and music. To install them use oggdec to covert them to WAV files. This is quite simple, here is a quick overview: In this example oggdec is kept in the MyMod folder and the ogg files are held in the MyMod/audio folder. Useful Links For encoding: http://winlame.sourceforge.net/ For oggdec: http://www.rarewares.org/ogg.html
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