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Retired Gibberlings
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Posts posted by berelinde

  1. I don't see anything in your modlist that would conflict with BG2 Gavin, but I don't know the inner workings of Faren or SoS. If you were going to start a new game, I would advise starting with a new installation. As in get yourself a clean installation, which you can read about here. Once you have your clean patched installation in place, you could add your mods and start fresh knowing that nothing bad will happen.


    If you want to skip that and just carry on with your game, you can ZIP the relevant saved game folder (both the SAV and GAM files!) and send them to my screen name, berelinde, at (@) gmail dot com. But like I said, I won't have a chance to look at any gaming-related things until the weekend. It's a rough week at work.

  2. What version are you using?


    If worse comes to worst, I might be able to repair your saved game, but he has some complicated scripts. If they're bugging out now, there's a possibility that even a repaired game might malfunction later.


    For some reason, newer computers really don't like to run IE games, especially on installations that use a lot of mods. They crash a lot. Still, if your crash is reproducible, it is worth investigating, and if it crashes after a specific mod conversation, something is going wrong there.


    I just got through reinstalling the operating system on my computer because a virus did too much damage to repair, and as a result, I don't even have the game installed at the moment, but we can still get your game back on track. What I would do would be open up your saved game, manually set the variables to a point past the crash, and email it back to you with a summary of the dialogue you missed. Trying to set it up so the missed dialogue actually plays is likely to simply repeat the crash.


    Anyway, I would not be able to work on it until the weekend. Let me know if you want to try it and I'll PM you my contact info. post my contact info later on, when I'm not at work.

  3. The worst part about including mature content in mods is seeing the typo reports. :)


    Thanks, though! Will get this stuff fixed.


    Wow, I don't even remember this stuff anymore. It's odd how you can look at something a year later and think "Who wrote this? I don't remember writing this."

  4. I didn't get any saved games in gmail. Can I assume that the problem was solved?


    As for installation, I test every version on a basic "full" patched BG2 installation, so I know it installs without tricks. If you are getting error messages because something is not appearing in some ids file, it is because something else on your particular installation is changing your ids files. It happens. Back in the old days, the only way to change an ids file was to overwrite it, so it is possible that other mods have affected installation.


    The important thing to take away from this is that all issues are fixable. I just need to know what they are so that we can find a workaround.

  5. Gavin will install on an SoA-only installation, but it requires a full installation, not "minimal" or "recommended." I'm away from home, using my sister's computer with no modding software, so I am unable to investigate anything, but is it possible that you do not have a full installation?

  6. I would like a look at your saved game? Can you zip the relevant save game (I need both the .sav file and the .gam file) and email them to my screen name, berelinde, at gmail dot com? I am on vacation in upstate New York and will not be able to check this out until Monday night, but I can find out what's going on then. Worst case scenario, I can set your globals to resolve the matter.


    Since you recently updated the version, I am inclined to think this is a reinstallation issue. The code is working for many other people, so it does seem to be unique to your installation. No matter what, though, we can get it fixed.


    Whenever you uninstall or reinstall a mod, you run the risk of corrupted scripts. The mod you uninstalled or reinstalled does not even have to be Gavin. You could have reinstalled a flirt or banter pack further up your installation list and run into trouble. It happens. That's why most modders, myself included, recommend a clean installation whenever you update your mods.

  7. The timer is only two days, and travel between the Cloakwood Mines exit and Beregost Temple is probably more than that, especially since you will probably have to rest during this time, so I would say this is not so unusual.


    If you have an active romance with Coran, Ajantis, and Xan at the same time as Gavin's, it's possible to get the variable up that high quite early indeed, possibly as soon as the sixth lovetalk. Eventually, he will ask you to make a choice, but it is possible to convince him to be patient with you, if I recall correctly. If he likes you, i.e. if B!GavinLove is high, it is easier to convince him to stay.

  8. Sorry for posting only half an explanation.


    The problem that I was having was that areas are flagged inconsistently. Inns are not necessarily flagged as CITY, etc. I wanted to use AreaType(CITY) instead of an OR() AreaCheck() block because I wanted the flexibility of including mod-added inns, but half the time, the wrong cutscene would cue and the NPC would take the PC out for a walk in the woods in the middle of Athkatla.

  9. Discussion started from Aran Whitehand development -



    • AreaCheck() does not cover mod added areas without specific addition
    • AreaType() does not cover mod added areas without specific addition
    • AreaType(CITY) was intended to cover city outdoor areas
    • Looking for a way of getting all areas, vanilla and modded, to be able to be checked for being in a city and an inn, so that the appropriate movie can be triggered and content can be tailored and still make sense

    Suggestions so far:

    • Worse: Research and create mass "MYAREA" script extensions for all such areas
    • Better: Create and identify new AreaType()s and set them up as community resources






    AreaType() checks fail. Keep that in mind. You will need a more robust check than AreaType(CITY) to determine where the party is sleeping and cue the appropriate cutscene. You may need to do an extensive OR() block area check for this. Just saying. I've got the code up elsewhere and can post it here if you need it.

  10. Gavin's got nothing to say to you in ToB because the mod has no ToB content. Yet. I'm working on it at this very moment.


    If he pledged his love to you, everything is going fine, just keep your save from before the ToB transition for when the ToB part gets done. Sorry it's taking so long.

  11. On the verge of 2011 i managed to grab an old copy of baldur's gate 4 in 1 box set i doubt you guys still check this forum but if you do i am wondering if you could tell me why when i try to download it Dos comes up and tells me that dialect.tlk is not found and how i can fix this.

    You should install the mod to your game directory. If you are trying to install it on an EasyTutu installation, your game directory is probably c:\program files\black isle\baldursgatetutu. If you are trying to install it on a Baldur's Gate Trilogy installation, your game directory is probably c:\program files\black isle\bgii - soa.


    When the installer says that it can't find dialog.tlk, it means that you are attempting to install the mod in a directory other than your game directory.


    It isn't really your operating system doing the work, though, it's a WeiDU installer that just looks the same. :)

  12. Glad that file was able to help you! I debated for quite a while before deciding to leave it in the docs folder. A lot of times, players start changing globals because they want to speed up the romance or run multiple romances simultaneously. Since many mod events are a combination of variables, this tends to break their games instead. With this mod, I adopted an "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" approach. I tried to keep the code as simple as possible (with mixed results), included an impossibly short romance timer, and added a multi-romance cheat as an installation option.


    I'm guessing that some mod is adding an "always true" block to the area script, preventing the ring dialogue from happening, but at least you were able to find a workaround.

  13. If you avoid the Temple District long enough, Gavin will leave the party and go on his own. Also, his dialogues, friendship or romance, won't start until the business with Lanie is resolved.


    I hated being so heavy-handed, I really did, but with a character that has a history with existing game NPCs, I could not have written the mod without knowing how, where, and most importantly, when Gavin would meet the ghosts from his past.


    One of the things I really, really wanted to do was to give the PC the opportunity to dispose of Lanie in ways Gavin might not approve of. I wanted to give the choice of having Lanie assassinated, selling her into slavery, or arranging her adoption by a wealthy merchant. The only thing that prevented it was time. I ran out of it. I was returning to work after an extended period of unemployment and I knew that I would have no time to mod anymore. I had to cut content. Maybe one of these days, I'll restore it.


    By the way, unless you install the romance conflict component from Crossmod Banter Pack, Gavin will completely ignore your relationship with Xan. Heck, if you install the "romance cheats" component of Gavin, he won't even complain about Anomen.

  14. Must have originally put it in Gavin's script, changed it to Keldorn's and forgotten to switch the tags. I'm still surprised I don't have a See("B!Gavin2"), but mistakes happen. Perhaps future testing should include runs when the NPC mod is installed but the NPC is not in the party, since this seems to be the source of the last two errors. I'm still not home, and I still won't be able to update until the weekend, unfortunately.

  15. I'll look into it. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about it until the weekend.


    Edit: Thinking about this, it's very odd. I usually add checks for both NPCs. And I usually include checks to make sure that the NPCs can see each other and aren't dead, silenced, or otherwise unavailable for dialogue. I'll check the triggers when I get home, but that won't be for many, many hours.

  16. I do plan to update this mod. I really need to, since the creature file throws errors on a Big World install and the ring description BAM doesn't display in BGT. Unfortunately, it probably won't happen until the holiday season begins at the end of November.


    In the meantime, I really appreciate the typo-spotting! With a MB or so of dialogue, there are bound to be a few errors still lurking around.

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