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About Nathan82

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  1. EELs ftw but mostly because it reminded me of this masterpiece sorry for going off topic a bit there
  2. Yeah I did actually check the readme properly for a change, and I'm following BWP pdf v20.1 as install order so I thought it was hopefully in the right place in relation to other mods. And yes those required mods are already installed. Thanks for having a look. No worries, thanks for uploading new version so I quick, I'll give it a try now. Looking forward to trying this, thanks for the mod and help Just tried the new version (2.1) and it installed without errors, thanks again
  3. @Acifer hello, just got the following error when trying to install on oBGT; ERROR Installing [Dark Tidings V 2.0], rolling back to previous state Will uninstall 520 files for [Tidings\Setup-Tidings.tp2] component 0. Uninstalled 520 files for [Tidings\Setup-Tidings.tp2] component 0. ERROR: Sys_error("Tidings/lib/add_worldmap_tbl.tpa: No such file or directory") Please make a backup of the file: Setup-Tidings.debug and look for support at: Acifer Automatically Skipping [Dark Tidings V 2.0] because of error. Using Language [English] [.\dialog.tlk] created, 294443 string entries NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Dark Tidings V 2.0 I've attached the debug. Any ideas or is it me doing something daft (happening more than usual at the moment it seems)? Version 1.4 installed ok on a previous install but I didnt get to play this mod because of other errors. Looking forward to trying it. Thanks
  4. Thanks, thought I'd done something daft but hadn't realised it was that simple. I did look at the readme but clearly not close enough. yeah i know, i know. I'll try and thin it out more for the next attempt. It was even worse a few attempts back
  5. No worries, and yeah would be good to see him back at some point. Thought I'd report the issue anyway, just in case. Thanks but I'm still on Windows 10 so I don't think its something like that. Was probably just a wonky install. Had another crash to desktop. During the expanded circus tent quest, in the new area(AR00TQ.ARE), Koozclown (TQCRE3.CRE) tries to cast a spell and then the game crashes with the following error; ASSERTION FAILED! Return Address: 0x8BA209 File: ObjCreature.cpp Line: 12162 Expression: pCreature != NULL && creatureSize > 0 Message: (null) I tracked it down to spider spawn SPWI423.SPL Mods affecting SPWI423.SPL: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~BG2FIXPACK\SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ 0 0 // BG2 Fixpack - Core Fixesv13 00001: ~BG2FIXPACK\SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ 0 3 // BETA Core Fixes (please check the readme!)v13 00002: ~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ 0 2 // Core Baldurdash Fixes (by Kevin Dorner)v2.1 BWP adaptation 00003: ~SPELL_REV\SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ 0 0 // Spell Revisionsv4 (Revised v1.3.959) 00004: ~IWDIFICATION\SETUP-IWDIFICATION.TP2~ 0 30 // IWD Arcane Spell Packv5 00005: ~JIMFIX\SETUP-JIMFIX.TP2~ 0 201 // Add spell school notifications to the combat logAll spells with a casting time greater than 1v3.1a 00006: ~INFINITYSOUNDS\INFINITYSOUNDS.TP2~ 0 110 // Restore BG1 Spellcasting Soundsv2.0.1 00007: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.7 It looks like Spell Revisions and then IWDIFICATION cause the problems. I renamed the files in changelog and tried them in the override one at a time and the spell_rev version (00004) works but the spell description and icon are wrong and with 00005 if a player controlled character casts the spell a lizardman is summoned, if an enemy casts the spell the game crashes. Might be to do with the levels of the casters and what is trying to be summoned, I'll look into that a bit more later. I'm using the BWP fixpack version of VCv21 (Vlad's compilation). Most of the bdash fixpack stuff is commented out. This is the bit that affects spider spawn if it helps at all. Though the spell works correctly after these changes (00003) COPY_EXISTING ~SPWI423.spl~ ~override~ //Spider Spawn // (LW: not in Fixpack) READ_LONG 0x64 "ability_offset" READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_cnt" READ_LONG 0x6a "eff_offset" FOR( cnt=0; cnt<"%abil_cnt%"; cnt=cnt+1 ) BEGIN READ_BYTE ("%ability_offset%"+cnt*0x28) "type" PATCH_IF("%type%"=1 ) BEGIN //Melee READ_SHORT ("%ability_offset%"+0x28*cnt+0x1e) eff_number READ_SHORT ("%ability_offset%"+0x28*cnt+0x20) eff_idx FOR( cnt2=0; cnt2<eff_number; cnt2=cnt2+1 ) BEGIN WRITE_BYTE ("%eff_offset%"+0x30*(cnt2+eff_idx)+0xD) 0 //No dispell\Bypass resistance END END END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES No idea what thats doing but thought I'd put it there incase its changing the spell in an unexpected way causing the spell_rev and iwdification changes to cause the problem. If that makes sense. Other odd things, loading a saved game causes a odd sound effect, sounds like a party memeber is injured and the log displays 'Keldorn damage taken 2' I havent even got to him yet so not got a clue whats going on there or where to start looking into it. Its not causing an actual problem at the moment, just seems weird and quite amusing. Hopefully that all makes some kind of sense Anyone got any suggestions ? Thanks SPWI423 changelog and versions.zip SPWI423 ingame version.zip
  6. Just re-installed loot panel and changed it to the classic ee mode and widescreen mod still fails with same error. Anyone got any ideas whats gone wrong? I've attached the file. Its viewable in NI but I'm not really sure what I'd be llooking for. I also tried a little experiment, i deleted GUIW10.CHU from the override folder and then copied GUIW10.00001.CHU into the override folder and renamed it. Widescreen mod then installed so I'm pretty sure this proves that either loot panel component is the source of the problem. This wasnt happening with the previous version 5.5 @Insomniator have you got any idea what might have caused this? Im going to continue with my install without widescreen for the time being, I've spent best part of 2 weeks trying to get this installed and working and really want to play the damn game. Thanks I've attached both versions of guiw10.chu GUIW10 both files.zip
  7. Almost completed a new install and so far haven't been able to replicate the problem. While trying to uninstall mods one at a time I ballsed it up and had to start from scratch. Due to a dazzling display of ineptitude I accidentally uninstalled a BG2 Improved GUI that i didnt intend too. bg2improvedgui:410;BG2 Improved GUI - Enemy + Ally/Summon/Charmed was installed near the middle of the install, just before the mainspell_rev component. So that was 5 plus hours of uninstall and reinstall. SCS and mih_eq failed to reinstall. With BG2 Improved GUI and Tweaks and tricks uninstalled that did work. Anyway, new install, tested at various points and no problems except the widescreen mod wont install. Getting the following error; ERROR: cannot convert guiw08_c_8-28_xPos or %guiw08_c_8-28_xPos% to an integer ERROR: [guiw10.chu] -> [override/guiw10.chu] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found) I ran changelog on guiw10.chu Mods affecting GUIW10.CHU: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~1PP\1PP.TP2~ 0 104 // 1ppv4: GUI additions for BGIIv4.2.1 00001: ~BG2IMPROVEDGUI\BG2IMPROVEDGUI.TP2~ 0 120 // Loot PanelCollect from all nearest bodies as one click action5.6 On my previous working install I used the alternative BG2IMPROVEDGU component BG2IMPROVEDGUI\BG2IMPROVEDGUI.TP2~ #0 #110 // Loot Panel -> Classic EE mode: 5.5 and didnt have any problems with the widescreen mod. I'll test that now and see if ' BG2IMPROVEDGUI\BG2IMPROVEDGUI.TP2~ 0 120 // Loot PanelCollect from all nearest bodies as one click action5.6' is the one causing the problem.
  8. Hello, The game is crashing when starting a new BG1 or BG2 game immediately after character creation. ToB seems to start without a problem. TobEx.log isn't showing anything and there are no warning messages or anything. I just create new character, click start game and it crashes. ERRORLOG.TXT is showing the following; BGMain caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module BGMain.exe at 0023:009ca8a8. That's apparently the game trying to access memory it shouldnt be, according to a google search. I had tested the install part way through and it seemed ok. I'm going to uninstall mods one at a time and retest, just wondering if anyone has any ideas what might be causing it? I've attached the weidu log, it goes on a bit. Thanks WeiDU.zip
  9. Hadn't noticed that, will try it that way on my next install. I have this in same place, just after BGT; bg2improvedgui:3000;BG2 Improved GUI - Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click (includes Icon/Item Abilities/Tooltip fixes and Innate/Ability text update by Prozh) I've just checked TobEx_AfterLife.tp2 and that part is commented out because of the conflict with BG2fixpack and is why I think you aren't seeing it. I think your install order is ok but others may differ, install it and see what happens, you can always just delete it and start again
  10. I'm far from an expert but I'm pretty sure you only want to install one instance of each (SOA and ToB) banter accelerator. The BG1NPC Project, IEP Extended Banters and PPG Banter Packs all have a SOA Banter Accelerator script and I think a couple of NPC mods might have it as an option as well, only install one, once. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, don't want to be giving bad advice. I use the following; bg1npc_project-banteraccelerator;The BG1NPC Project - Jason Compton's Accelerated Banter Script PPGBanterPacks-tob_banteraccelerator;Banter Packs - Install TOB Banter Accelerator script?(Increases the frequency of interparty banter) cd_tweaks_romance_cheats;The Tweaks Anthology - Romance Cheats [Sabre, Richardson, Weimer] cd_tweaks_more_interjections;The Tweaks Anthology - More Interjections They're a bit more spread out than that though in my install sequence. Don't think I've seen any problems but havent gone through many of the romance things. Banters do happen more but not annyoingly but thats personal preference I guess. Hope thats of some help and happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.
  11. I was folloowing the BWP pdf, a bit at atime, selecting the mod components i wanted and then copying the install sequence into a note pad doc, clearing the selection and then repating the process with the next few mods. You can have several components of a single mod in various places through the entire install sequence, PI will just install the selected component and move onto the next mod. Then once you're happy with whats in the notepad doc, copy all of it (or break it into chunks, just don't lose track of where you were) back into the install sequence pane of PI and press start installation. Works fine , its much easier than having to run the set-up-modname.exe for each mod and skip through to the component you want then quit and repeat for next mod etc As an example (hopefully not a wrong example); 1pp:401;One Pixel Productions - 1ppv4: Improved projectile effects item_rev:0;item_rev - Item Revisions by Demivrgvs 1pp:210;One Pixel Productions - 1ppv4: Increased paperdoll object variety (core)
  12. The sorting order feature doesnt work with a lot of mods now. The new labels thing that has been added removes the component numbers in the install sequence that you see in PI and so the sorting order doesnt have anything to sort.
  13. Finally got round to finishing BG1 moved on to BG2 and now I've got another problem. After clearing the starting dungeon and getting out to Waukeen's Promenade I can't move to most other areas in the city, the game crashes, with the following; ASSERTION FAILED! Return Address: 0x9997ED File: ChDimm.cpp Line: 7641 Expression: pBiffHeader->dwFileType != mmioFOURCC('B', 'I', 'F', 'C') Message: c:\bgt all\bgii - soa\cd3\DATA\AREA0900.BIF: attempted to use compressed BIF from CD, check free hard drive space The .BIF file in the error log changes depending on which area I try and move to. I've tried using DLTCEP to un bif the relevant files but that hasn't helped, though I might have done something wrong there. I've gone back and tested my unmodded backup install of BGII and it works fine, I was able to use MoveToArea to leave the dungeon and go to any area in Amn and then use the normal travel points to move around. So I tried copying the CD2 and CD3 \Data files from my just tested backup, into my modded install and I'm still getting the crashes. Has anyone got any ideas what's gone wrong? I did try copying a AREA.BIF from a BG2EE install into my oBGT game and that seemed to work but I'm not sure if that was a good idea, just wanted to see what would happen. Probably a dumb question but are the AREA####.BIF files from the EE games compatible with oBG2/BGT? Thanks
  14. @DavidW sorry for thinking this was SCS. @TotoR thanks for having a look at this. I edited JELLSPA.BCS as you suggested then retested as above and killing the fission slime without using fire now makes it split into two (both new slimes appear on top of each other and get stuck). If you then do any fire damage to the slimes you get tansported to the chess board, not sure if thats exactly how its supposed to work but at least you don't get stuck. The first time i tested this only the character that did the fire damage got transported to the chessboard, Imoen was still fighting the fission slimes but I've tested that again several times and can't reporduce so i think it was a fluke. @skellytz or @Salk is this little edit of JELLSPA.BCS something thats worth adding to BGT-WeiDU or BG fixpack? Thanks for the help everyone
  15. @DavidW hello, not trying to hassle you, just wondering if you'd had a chance to have a look at this. No worries if not. Thanks
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