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  1. I think I figured it out, when I copied the tp2 template from another thread I accidentally left in a string for a language folder I don't have, gonna delete it when I get home from work and see if that fixes it.
  2. I'm uploading the entire archive filemymod.7z in case the problem is something else I'm not aware of.
  3. I'm very new to modding and I'm trying to start off making a custom +3 sword using near infinity and weidu and I can make the item itself just fine but for some reason the ingame text wont cooperate. No matter what I put in the .tp2 file the ingame name and description is always "(placeholder) Story Ring". I'll attach the debug file and .tp2 file to this post, if someone could take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong I would appreciate it. SETUP-MYITEMMOD.DEBUG MyItemMod.tp2
  4. I want to do a EE trilogy run as a single weapon fighter/mage but single weapon style kinda sucks, at least compared to two weapon. I'm hoping someone can put together a weidu file that works for BGEE and BG2EE and changes the bonus' and descriptions to this One point: a -1 bonus to to-hit rolls, a -1 bonus to Speed Factor, and a -1 bonus to AC Two points: a -2 bonus to to-hit rolls, a -2 bonus to Speed Factor, a -2 bonus to AC, and a +3 bonus to critical hit rolls (scoring a critical hit upon 17 and up, rather than just 20.) Any help would be appreciated thank you.
  5. Yea that's definitely beyond my skill to do unfortunately, I guess my best option is to see if someone can throw it together for me assuming its not too much of a hassle. I basically just want the second pip of single weapon style to add -2 thac0, -2 speed, -2 ac, and +3 on crit rolls. Also I apologize for the 4 duplicate threads that are posted, for some reason when I was making this it was giving me an error message whenever I tried to post so I thought it didnt go through but evidentially it did.
  6. I'm fairly new to using the program and have been playing around with making single weapon style a little more useful. I know how to edit the STYLBONU.2DA file to make the changes I want and when I go ingame I can see them take effect but the description text still shows the old proficiency bonus', what file to I edit to change the text to reflect the changes I made?
  7. Thanks alot, I didn't realize this was potentially more complicated than I thought given some of the crazy things you guys are able to mod in so I really appreciate it.
  8. Sorry I wasn't specific enough 1. BG:EE, SOD, and BG2:EE 2. Usability and to be able to put in one proficiency point like the other weapons mages can use. 3. Only part I can think of that would need editing would be removing mages from the list of classes that cant use the weapon at the bottom. 4. I'm not actually sure, I assumed it would just be a WeiDU executable like most other mods. I've never done modding before so I'm not sure how "simple" it would really be I guess, I'm honestly surprised there isn't a mod like this already since wizards and sorcerers can use crossbows in 5E and Pathfinder.
  9. I mean a mod that would allow anyone to use crossbows, mages specifically because I hate using slings.
  10. So this will probably be pathetically easy for you guys, but could anyone make a universal crossbow mod for the EE trilogy?
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