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Everything posted by Ardanis

  1. Yes, they're just a manually added flag, albeit reliant upon by some core game scripts.
  2. Slight correction - SetGlobalTimer() transforms its argument into time (multiply by 30, iirc) rather than adding to game time directly. So if you need to adjust a timer, increment it by time_in_seconds*30. Or 15, don't remember. Realistically though, there's not much use for this feature other than setting variable to 0 to manually expire the associated timer. For anything else, be prepared to have to debug and fix your script logic.
  3. You could try Range("calkan",999), but I don't remember any hiccups with InMyArea(). Other than making sure you've double checked you don't accidentally trigger another state with the same text, and that it's exactly InMyArea() that blocks it and removing it makes the trigger return true, I can't really think of anything else. Exists() ignores area check and will return true even if the object EscapeArea()'s, so it's not something you'd normally want to use unless you know what you're doing.
  4. Note that double caution needs to be exercised when employing Activate()/Deactivate()/IsActive() functionality. During SoD development it led with a significant margin in the number of caused issues, compared to any other scripting function. In particular, I would add this after those two blocks to ensure no further script action would accidentally trigger while the actor is inactive: IF Global("ACTIVE","LOCALS",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 NoAction() END
  5. Guess not. That's a pity, I was hoping he was back.
  6. Same person. The point they're trying to make is that respect can only ever be given by one's free will, to whom they deem worthy of it. The moment you require someone to show you respect is the moment you lose it. PS F invision.
  7. My approach to copyright is very simple - 1) no one is authorized to do anything with my works without my explicit agreement, 2) no one is authorized to enforce 1 or persecute for its breach on my behalf without my explicit agreement.
  8. The AttackedBy()/HitBy() positives get stored by the recipients, so you'll probably have no choice but to update their scripts with something like this to dismiss a positive IF AttackedBy() // attacked by friendly Global("dont_red","locals",1) // set by your effect THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("dont_red","locals",0) END Getting a list of scripts might be tedious, though.
  9. Original BG used to try to detect Fireball casting (via variable set in global effects) and react to it with, I think, Potion of Icedust. Personally, I wouldn't care. The scripting language is limiting enough, that some players have been confusing SoD AI with SCS', despite the former's being about tenfold smaller in size and complexity. Returns diminish exponentially.
  10. Oh yeah. Having seen a bit of DD2 and DOS1 writing I don't wanna touch anything with Larian written over it with a ten foot pole.
  11. Pretty sure it's vanilla behavior. Imprisonment should be curable if you apply the freedom effect directly, like resurrection.
  12. It's a hex sum of bits, each responsible for one of debilitating states. E.g. confusion, feeblemindedness, silence, various deaths etc. If at least one is true, then the sum is also true.
  13. If it's any consolation, SoD also used dialog for jumping between chapters and editing PC's stats.
  14. It's faster to just make them in DLTCEP. At least I've made several hundreds of them for SoD, and at no point wished for code option to do so. Don't think exploding party members was ever a thing in original content.
  15. It took me a minute of staring to notice
  16. It's utterly beyond me why on earth anyone would ever want to license a mod, unless it ships already licensed content - like music or art you are not author of, as Rhaella mentioned. Other than that, it just makes you look ridiculous.
  17. Tablet users are not human anyway, so we can skip on extending human rights protection on them
  18. I think there's only one encounter where enemies have access to Faerie Fire, and checking the script I see no problem if they'll mistakenly use Sunscorch instead. If anything, it's to their advantage rather than not.
  19. Also the reason I now prefer to play games with preset protagonists and bare minimum dialog options, rather than generating and controlling "you, the player" proxy.
  20. Just offer 2-3 choices you think best balanced, and add external settings.ini with variables for power users to edit.
  21. I'm not very familiar with what Subtle's mods really do or how they're coded, but my understanding is that if M&G wants to make innate copies of wizard spells, and if it doesn't detect Shout in the game then it simply adds it directly into innate slot. And if another mod later adds Shout to wizard slot, then M&G bards will be stuck with their own version, as it won't be updated by ADD_SPELL. I can see how it might become an issue, but I would just skip Shout altogether if the mod can't detect it. Bards are, after all, inferior casters compared to wizards - even if some editions grant them spells unavailable to any other class.
  22. Nah, that'd be me, I re-coded v3 from scratch, as it was simpler than risking missing something in older code. Yours was only the idea which I copied, I think
  23. I'm pretty sure 3.95 should keep duplicates when sorting... During SoD development the QA department insisted the stats 176-182 shouldn't be used for detection because they also affect thief skills, so we skipped those in the EEs. But since mods have been long using those stats, I added a switch to keep them, as well as duplicate labels, so that both the existing mods reliant on those stats and any future ones expecting EE's names there wouldn't fail to compile. PS I *think* it should keep them... not sure atm anymore.
  24. Well, DS has a long history of updates and maintainers... Ascension was the first one, and used direct file overwriting. Then Horred updated the stats it was using. Then either Cam or Bigg made it into re-installable patch. Then David further optimized it for SCS. Then SR started to shuffle effects between existing SPLs, so I took it over to make patching more dynamic and crossmod friendly. Then I added new EE features like spellstates. And now David's back in business and grabbed it back for SCS v32
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