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Everything posted by Scylla

  1. Ok I will edit the files to revert to Squelette de garde.
  2. French Translation Hello I didn't use your tool since I don't have IWDEE, the BG2EE strings are supposedly right, but the IWDEE ones are almost certainly wrong, it didn't cause any issues but should be modified to be consistent with IWDEE. It should work, but it's the first time I look at the mod so maybe I've missed some things. I don't know if this is normal but when I use it with BGEE the class description (Bard,Paladin,Rogue) is not modified. It works fine with BG2EE however. Also does the Paladin special Protect From Evil last for 24 hours or 24 turns ? There's inconsistency between README and the game_string.tra I believe. And finally I couldn't remove the "This ability replaces the current Bard Song." in the HLA description, even though I used the 3 possible french strings, I have no idea why. @Gwendolyne I didn't manage to get the "Create Boneguard" spell so I couldn't test it but I've modified the name you chose ("squelette de garde" to "gardien squelettique") for no reason basically. It may be a mistake so feel free to tell me I can revert it back. I've also touched the "Conjuration d'un élémentaire" (notably "Conjuration d'un élémentaire de l'eau") to be consistent with the other spell description I had in game. Anyway, thanks for your mod it's awesome and thanks to the translators. edit1: "Gardien squelettique" from dw_iwdspells.tra and spells_copied.tra have been reverted back to "Squelette de garde" (consistent with IWDEE)
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