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Hide and Seek

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Posts posted by Hide and Seek

  1. Well, look here! I came here looking for some good news, and look what I've found. Del is no doubt one of the mods I'm looking very, very much forward to. :mad:


    Good to hear about more updates. I hope the existence beyond the computer (whatever it contains, I've never been there) treats you well.

  2. Ah, a new year.


    One of my New Year Eve's resolutions is to be more patient, and since RL always demands this or that (sorry to hear about the water accident), not even modders are excused, even though they should be.


    Please, do take your time. We have entire 2010 before the year is over.

  3. I know I've said this before, but I really truly feel this will complete the Baldur's Gate experience for me.

    I think I've said the same (and if I haven't, then I should have), Del will really be a way to fulfill the BG saga, given as she was the nearest thing I came to a romantic unmodded game (I don't count getting charmed) :crazyeyes:


    And as much as I like flirtpacks/friendship packs (interaction with your NPC's is fun), Del alone will be the thing I'm looking forward to. It's your mod, whatever we'll get, we should be thankful for.

  4. Ahh, things has been happening, I see. All praise to you. :rolleyes:


    And not to ask for spoilers, but I hope you have a few Imoen-Del banters in regards to the PC. With Imoen being the sister and all that (and I assume she was tagging along and met Del in BG).

  5. This is very good news. :blush:

    I'm not sure when I started to wait on this mod, and I have a feeling I will not be disappointed. I so hoped that Del would have joined at one point in BG, but... anyways, best of luck to you.


    And have I said thank you for writing this mod?

  6. Well, I will see the writing finished by this September. I really do understand all the irritations and such at the delays, etc.

    Oh, this is the bestest of news, ain't it, Boo? :cool:


    Seriously, it has been worth the wait and will surely to continue to be so. All the best wishes to you, Bri, for this mod.

  7. If we really had too, SoA is finished (no voicing).

    No voicing is perfectly fine by me. Generally cause my computer tend to screw up when there are custom soundfiles involved. (Reynalds added sounds still makes it odd). But are you planning to voice Del? I wouldn't mind her with one of the pre-soundsets, the second one.


    Glad to hear news, as always.

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