You're incredibly hostile out of nowhere... again. O.o
I took time to make two separate clean reinstalls for tests (both 6CD and GOG), making sure it's not a mod conflict on my end, saved the logs, then registered on the site, published everything here, doing free playtesting just to keep the community informed... then after another person posted different errors as well, I tried to reassure you that we are not demanding anything, JUST providing feedback so mod maintainers aren't in the dark next time someone runs into errors. I also suggested to prioritize OBG over BGT & Tutu whenever you feel like it.
Mornagest was willing to do extra tests too... Neither of us was confrontational. And you are now calling yourself "gracious" after being so passive-aggressive and mocking people who decided to play the original game for either nostalgia or as a curio, that's... something. So yeah, keep bullying everyone who used "Bug Thread" thread to... report bugs we ran into. Apparently, there just wasn't enough gatekeeping here, so you needed to do some extra hazing to make sure new people just stay alienated for good and threads return to being dead for years.