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About gojirasan

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  1. Berelinde, is there any chance you could post a rough guide on how to export portraits from dragon age and import them into BG2? Things like where dragon age stores its image files and what they have to be resized to etc. I guess small, medium, and large versions just go into the portraits directory in BG2 but there also seem to be certain naming conventions like b_ etc. I'd also like to know how to just manually install your images in case I have trouble with the installer (as I recently did until I found the 'weidu.exe --update-all' trick). Also, when installing your portraits, I can't figure out how to choose which portraits replace the in-game npcs like minsc and korgan and jaheira etc and which are available for player created characters. BTW, I think your portraits are great. I always use them. But, I would like to have some additional choices of my own creation and the dragon age character editor is the best I have ever seen. It's the only thing I actually liked about that game.
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