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Everything posted by Grammarsalad

  1. @subtledoctor Looks like @sturmvogel has found a possible compatibility issue with the latest release of fnp (Edit: no, I'm not sure why my text is centered)
  2. Book casting is especially cool. I had planned to do a ritual thing where certain spells are able to be cast 'as a ritual' for priests and mages (and prob bards) if known but not currently memorized. I wanted to do it only with 'certain spells' because, as you point out, this can be abused if broadly applied (even if coding the thing would be easier). Applying fatigue is a nice touch. I think I'll borrow that idea.
  3. Is there is a reason this version isn't pinned or linked in the pinned version? I see a mention of possible crash on exit. Is this version considered 'stable'? Trying to figure out if I should update from version 7.7.
  4. Update, it looks like it works, but I had to make a slight change. I know you said not to read the cols but it freaked out and so I just used some of the original code to make it work again. I'm going to go back and see if I can strip out what isn't necessary, but for now this works: ACTION_PHP_EACH clabz AS der_clab => der_levs BEGIN ACTION_IF (%der_levs% > 0) BEGIN OUTER_SET patch_row = 0 COPY_EXISTING ~%der_clab%.2da~ ~override~ PATCH_IF (FILE_CONTAINS_EVALUATED(~%der_clab%.2da~ ~SCRLCRFT~)) BEGIN // COUNT_2DA_COLS cols // ** don't bother counting cols READ_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW rows 2 FOR (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) BEGIN FOR (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) BEGIN READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row col ~row_title~ PATCH_PRINT "What is %row_title%?" PATCH_IF (~%row_title%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~SCRLCRFT~) BEGIN SET patch_row = row END END END PATCH_IF (patch_row > 0) BEGIN SET_2DA_ENTRY patch_row (%der_levs%) 2 ~GA_B_SCRIB~ // b_scrib END END BUT_ONLY END END
  5. Well, I'm specifying the level that the char gets the ability by ini (so that the player can change it). I actually do append a new row earlier in the code(headed by "SCRLCRFT"). My original solution was to find that newly appended line (i.e. by the text SCRLCRFT) and append at that particular line. In the php above, "der_levs" is taken from the ini for the level to be applied. There is probably a better way to do it but I can't think of one atm. Any ideas?
  6. Hello. I'm trying to add a special ability to a particular row at a particular level that is specified in an ini. I have no problem getting the code to add the GA_ ability at the designated level, but it is not consistently adding the ability to the specified row. That is, it seems to add the ability to the correct line where the clab goes up to level 50, but adds the ability to the first line (the "ABILITY1" line) when the clab goes up to level 40. I don't quite have my head wrapped around FOR loops, so I am not quite sure what is the issue. Here is the relevant code: ACTION_PHP_EACH clabz AS der_clab => der_levs BEGIN ACTION_IF (%der_levs% > 0) BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~%der_clab%.2da~ ~override~ PATCH_IF (FILE_CONTAINS_EVALUATED(~%der_clab%.2da~ ~SCRLCRFT~)) BEGIN COUNT_2DA_COLS cols READ_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW rows cols FOR (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) BEGIN FOR (col = 0; col < cols; ++col) BEGIN READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row col ~line~ PATCH_IF (~%line%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~SCRLCRFT~) BEGIN PATCH_PRINT "Row is %row% or %rows%. col is %col%. And line is %line%." SET_2DA_ENTRY_LATER ~s2el_mng~ (%row% +3) (%der_levs% - 1) GA_B_SCRIB // b_scrib SET_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW s2el_mng 1 END //Scroll line END //for END //for END BUT_ONLY END END What I am doing is beginning the line with "SCRLCRFT" (i.e. where you would normally see "ABILITYx") and my plan is to add to that particular line. As you can see, I am "adding 3" to the row num because that worked when I first tested it (but, again, just with clabs that go up to level 50). I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...
  7. If you are interested in playtesting a component for fnp that adds missing priest scrolls to the game, please send me a pm. Thanks
  8. Oh, that's too bad. But, lol, one door closes and another opens. Thanks
  9. Sorry, so when you say that this doesn't work well in shops, are you saying that I definitely shouldn't use this to randomize items sold in shops, or that there are things i should be careful about? If the latter, could you share?
  10. Got it. Edit: i see the issue Thanks Edit2: @JohnBob it should install now. (Release 0.9.1) let me know if you have any other issues
  11. The main issue here that I can think of is undead. Undead don't breathe and shouldn't be affected by stinking cloud. But, corporeal undead at least should be knocked down by an earthquake.
  12. Ok, that's mostly sorted. This feels like an obnoxious and loaded question, but I don't really know where to start. Can anybody give me an idea of how loot randomization works?
  13. It can be something like, "if it sells potion of healing, then it should sell at least level 1 scrolls. If it sells (idk) a protection scroll against undead, then it should sell 'good' spells." Something like that.
  14. I'm going to be doing something more general (which allows me to capture mod added stores and has a more general application). You will be happy to know that this will be EET compatible right out of the gate. What I need is suggestions about what other sort of items would be appropriate for what kind of scrolls. So, right now I have a (very general) thing where I would add level 1 scrolls to stores that also sell the potion of healing (the weakest version). So, that's the question: what specific item should be sold alongside scrolls of a given type?
  15. Okay, question: how would I check a store for a particular item. This is what I have right now: //let's create a list of relevant vendors: COPY ~%folder%/lib/lists/store_list.tpa~ ~override~ COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.sto$~ ~override~ // Load all stores BEG CAMCODE: READ_BYTE 0x0008 type //Spell type PATCH_IF type = 3 OR 2 BEGIN //temple or inn type READ_BYTE 0x10 "flags" //ELSE 0 PATCH_IF (("%flags%" BAND 0b00100001) = 0b00100001) BEGIN // if cures available and sells stuff; also filters out invalid files INNER_PATCH_SAVE store_name ~%SOURCE_RES%~ BEGIN END INNER_ACTION BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~store_list.tpa~ ~override~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "BEGIN" "BEGIN %store_name% => ~church~" END END PATCH_IF (("%flags%" BAND 0b00100011) = 0b000000011) BEGIN // if buys and sells READ_LONG 0x18 "buy_mark" PATCH_IF buy_mark > 0 BEGIN READ_LONG 0x34 it_off // items Offset READ_LONG 0x38 it_num // Number of items INNER_PATCH_SAVE store_name ~%SOURCE_RES%~ BEGIN END INNER_ACTION BEGIN COPY_EXISTING ~store_list.tpa~ ~override~ REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "BEGIN" "BEGIN %store_name% => ~inn~" END END END END BUT_ONLY Basically, I'm creating a list to use later. In the second check, I have these two: I just have these there because I know they have something to do with the items actually sold by the store. What I would like to do is check each item, and if it, say, has a filename "SCRLPET"*, then I would add the store to a particular list. Etc. But, I'm not sure how to actually check for that... It feels 'loopy', but not sure how to do the actual check. Any advice? * the stone to flesh scroll. Etc.
  16. Yeah these are good. I should absolutely distinguish "good" from "evil" scrolls as well. I'm assuming the actual store item changes by chapter?
  17. Thanks. That makes sense (I don't quite remember whatshername, but definitely the shadow druids)
  18. I could copy over all enemy priests, but I wouldn't want to just add (e.g.) all 1st level priest scrolls to all priests as droppable loot. Is there a way I could randomize something like that by install?
  19. Hello party people. I have a functional mod that creates priest scrolls for the game. I'm kinda proud of it; it adds scrolls for mod-added spells, it creates any scrolls not in the game, adds a generic icon for the scroll if none is found in game (it also copies over all existing icons that are only in...BGEE iirc? Maybe it's bg2ee. It's been a while. Anyway, it copies them over if needed and then references them in the scroll file.) One thing I'm a bit stuck on is scroll placement. Again, I want to do this in a (more or less) dynamic way. I have (and/or am creating) lists that differentiate universal spell scrolls, druid exclusive spell scrolls, and cleric exclusive spell scrolls. Same with scroll levels. I also have a list of temples that sell items. I was thinking that if game_is BGEE, then temples can sell scrolls levels 1-3 or so. I might go a little more fine grained, and do it by the actual temple. For example, it seems unlikely that the temple of helm would sell druid scrolls (actually, I'm not sure what to do, exactly, with druid scrolls...) So, long story short, I'm looking for ideas on how best to distribute the scrolls in game. Any ideas?
  20. Oh yeah. It's actually pretty easy to do iirc. I have at least two spells that do think. Hold on. Here is the script. It could probably be improved but this could get you started: https://github.com/UnearthedArcana/B_Spells/blob/master/B_Spells/data/new_spells/ranger_1/B_CAMO.baf
  21. Oh yeah. It's actually pretty easy to do iirc. I have at least two spells that do think. Hold on
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