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Everything posted by K4thos

  1. ADD_SPELL_EX - Action function similar to WeiDU ADD_SPELL (adding a spell of type and level into spell.ids, in the first empty slot possible), but more flexible: https://github.com/K4thos/IE-code-repository/blob/master/add_spell_ex.tpa ----------- Also my older REPLACE_MULTILINE function now supports regexp variables in output string, which works in a similar way to REPLACE_EVALUATE (see the 200 MATCHi variables explanation in weidu documentation.)
  2. @jastey, thank you for the effort, list updated.
  3. I wasn't aware, thanks. I will start looking for some alternative service.
  4. K4thos


    not sure what you mean by that, Gorion88. EEex existence doesn't change anything for Beamdog who have access to EE engine source code and can already implement whatever they wish in it.
  5. K4thos


    some new information regarding the progress (compliable script conversion milestone) as well as EEex dependency clarification: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/1049817#Comment_1049817
  6. Unlike other IE games (at least EE ones) IWD2 AttackedBy trigger works correctly with nested objects. This one sounds more like an engine bug in other engine variants though, so I've also reported it on Beamdog redmine. If anyone is aware about other triggers with the same problems please post them here.
  7. Another not so obvious scripting difference in IWD2 engine: SetGlobal and IncrementGlobal in IWD2 sets the variable during the same script run, not in the next one, like in other IE games. For example this code: IF Global("Marked","LOCALS",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("Marked","LOCALS",1) FloatMessage(Player1,1) // Ettin Continue() END IF Global("Marked","LOCALS",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("Marked","LOCALS",1) FloatMessage(Player1,2) // Beetle END prints only the first message.
  8. from the IESDP description you may assume that OR works exactly the same in IWD2 as in other IE games. This is not the case. I've noticed that in IWD2 the first found trigger within Or declaration that returns true ends the Or loop. In other EE games all triggers within OR are checked 1 by 1 regardless if true match is found. It matters for things like targeting (object referencing set via See, Attacked etc.) and trigger priority (reversed). If this was already known and there is a topic that discusses obscure changes like this please leave a link here. edit: changed the topic name to more general one.
  9. K4thos

    ToB news

    I don't have access to no EE games currently, so can't test it, sorry. But I doubt Name and DV work differently in original engine.
  10. without AUTO_EVAL_STRINGS I'm using following syntax: OUTER_SPRINT EVAL ~s_%variable%~ ~%access%~
  11. K4thos

    ToB news

    if I understand correctly you're trying to filter script block to work on Player2 and only if the character is not NPC. If this is the case you can use following code since PC characters don't use DVs: IF Name("None",Player2) THEN RESPONSE #100 //do something END
  12. If you're using Privacy Badger or similar browser plugin - disable it. Some adblockers may also block google captcha, so try disabling it too (notice that G3 doesn't have any adds)
  13. I've just checked the files and it looks like The Beaurin Legacy uses IsGabber(Player1) trigger for Player-Initiated Dialogues, so no additional filtering is needed here. EET has built in PID dialogue detection via IsGabber trigger and adds Chapter checks in such places automatically - unless Chapter trigger already exist, in such case the additional PID filtering is skipped.
  14. nope, I don't think so. Roxanne recently removed all mods that she hosted from compatibility list, including her own (Sandrah Saga, Shine On Caelar, Tamoko). Considering she has access to editing the list without pull requests, her mods will be back once she decides to add them. aleady on the list, but thanks.
  15. K4thos


    @Ser Elryk, it's not abandoned. The mod was put on hold for some time, but I've been developing it recently and plan to continue working on it.
  16. I've received information that Roxanne has permission for the Amber ToB content from original authors, so despite 2 different versions with conflicting numbering being available now, both seems to be ok from ethical point of view.
  17. No license = all rights reserved (at least in EU), even in the context of free software, so choosing one of the open licenses doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. It's also less work with explaining how you want your mod to be redistributed in case you go missing. I think licenses became quite popular in TES community due to Bethesda mods monetization circa 2015 and plagiarism that happened at the time.
  18. done, thank you for sending the correct links!
  19. Sorry for the late reply, completely forgot about this. Yes, I've looked into it. Fixed, thanks. As you can see in the commit the code expected that there is one more exit response right at the beginning (that's why all responses were moved by 1). This has been changed in some version (exit response is now the last one) but I forgot to update the function. As for the other stuff all seems to be working as expected.  There are variables that already handle this. Quoting the documentation: INT_VAR: default_ToB = 0 //controls if NPC should be spawnable in ToB when the game has been started in ToB (no by default - 0) clean_ToB = 0 //cleans out existing EET code in FATESP.DLG, AR4000.BCS, AR4500.BCS for DV specified in clean_ToB_DV STR_VAR: cre_ToB = "IMOEN15" //if type = 4 and/or default_ToB = 1 name of the ToB CRE file is needed (used to create new CRE rather than migrating existing one from SoA) clean_ToB_DV = "" //if clean_ToB = 1 existing code for this DV will be removed from FATESP.DLG, AR4000.BCS, AR4500.BCS none of these are set for Skie for some reason. At least clean_ToB and clean_ToB_DV are needed to get rid of vanilla Skie references (Lava's mod doesn't use the same DV as vanilla Skie). default_ToB and cre_ToB shold be added if he wants to make Skie default NPC for ToB (which makes sense considering how important she is to the SoD plot). edit: the correct code that Lava should use for this NPC is: INCLUDE ~EET/other/EET_functions.tph~ LAF ~EET_NPC_TRANSITION~ INT_VAR type = 2 default_ToB = 1 clean_ToB = 1 STR_VAR dv = "l#2sdskie" override_SoA = "L#2SDSKI" override_ToB = "L#2SD25" dialog_ToB = "L#2SD25" cre_ToB = "L#2SD25" traFile = EVAL "SkieCost/translations/%LANGUAGE%/Skie.TRA" string = "@49" stringPosDV = "Sharteel" clean_ToB_DV = "Skie" END
  20. 73956 string is actually already replaced with following line by default: Not sure if the grammar is correct here, so just in case I will swap "this" with "their" in the next release. edit: I've just checked the code and it looks like I forgot to add STRING_SET for this line even though the changed text exists in TRA files for all languages. So yeah, you've found a bug Thanks for reporting.
  21. K4thos

    New engine

    I think Coran's Friendship Mod and Garrick's Infatuation forums being part of EET subforums is a mistake.
  22. looks like it's a problem with commit made yesterday: https://github.com/K4thos/EET/commit/4b20f10596ea01ca08f95647a0ee452b03b15b5b I will see what's up but in the meantime please use "releases" page rather then "master" download. Thanks for quick report. edit: commit has been reverted, so main branch can be used too.
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