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Posts posted by StefanO

  1. Does someone know about any plans to make the de Arnise Romance mod EET.compatible?


    Not long ago, Kulyok gave permission for technical updates of her mods, however this one has

    jcompton, Kulyok

    as authors, so it may not be covered by this.


    It would be nice to have this mod in EET, it is one of the best romance mods for BG2 part involving vanilla NPCs.It really breaks Nalia out of the original stereotype frame.


    -- removed by myself --

  2. Are you compressing the folder? Or highlighting (cmd-A) the 29,000 files inside the folder, and compressing them?


    That's where I am seeing a difference. It can compress the folder just fine. It's handling 20,000 files that trips it up. The results of the two operations are identical, which is why it seems weird that the OS can handle one but not the other.


    EDIT - actually maybe the results are not identical; after all it does seem to make a difference in how mod files can be loaded into the v2.4 iOS games...


    Yes, I'm compressing a folder. And I'm using the command line for nearly everything, because I'm used to unix/linux for decades.


    But even on the command line: If I simulate your mark-all-and-compress method by running the zip command with a parameter list of 20000 filenames, it simply fails:

    override> zip ../test.zip *
    -bash: /usr/bin/zip: Argument list too long

    Even if I circumvent that shell limit with

    echo * | xargs zip -q ../test.zip

    it's 20% slower (compared to the zip run using the folder name). Is there a reason for not using the folder name?

  3. Sigh. I'm not terribly surprised. Mac OS updates have seemed less and less useful ever since Mountain Lion in ~2012 (which I maintain is the best consumer operating system ever made). When I try to make a .zip archive of the contents of my override folder, MacOS sits there thinking for an hour and never gets it done. But if I drop the folder into a virtualized (!) Win7 partition, it zips 17,000 files in a few seconds. SAD.


    I blame this ancient, crufty piece of junk they call the Finder.


    I've made some tests myself and can't reproduce your problem.


    There are 29095 file in the override folder of an EET+somemods installation. The MacOS zip program needed 30s to compress the folder. The zip archive size is 485 MB. That's neither good (7z needed only 16s) nor bad.




    OK, your setence is much clearer than mine. I give you that.

    In my mind I was taking to @subtledoctor and @agent77 expecting them to have no problem with my lingo.

    You give me what ? No answer to my indirect question of: How should they package their files ? As that was the origin of their comments.


    How should their package their files? Most modders use zip archives. That's okay for windows. Compressed tar files for linux and macos because extended file attributes (e.g execution bits) are only part of tar archives if and only if one uses the operating system specific tar command.


    This discussion needs a complete other thread than "EET on a tablet".


    Zip can store Unix file permissions by using the "external attributes" field inside the ZIP header (using the Info-ZIP standard). The macOS zip/unzip commands will preserve and restore file permissions for archives created on Unix-like OSes.



    Sorry, I know it's off topic. But how do I do that? The zip program that comes with MacOS is pretty old (V3, April 2009). I've searched for "external attributes" in the man pages and found nothing.


    Sorry. I've should have tested it before posting. zip does preserve file permissions as you said.


    OK, your setence is much clearer than mine. I give you that.

    In my mind I was taking to @subtledoctor and @agent77 expecting them to have no problem with my lingo.

    You give me what ? No answer to my indirect question of: How should they package their files ? As that was the origin of their comments.



    How should their package their files? Most modders use zip archives. That's okay for windows. Compressed tar files for linux and macos because extended file attributes (e.g execution bits) are only part of tar archives if and only if one uses the operating system specific tar command.


    This discussion needs a complete other thread than "EET on a tablet".

  6. Am I reading this right ?

    Regarding your unzp problem: Use the 7z program instead of the MacOS zip to unpack the .zip archive.

    But the issue was to actually to package a folder as a .zip archive, was it not ? WinRAR can package files as .zip's too... but I woudn't assume that MacOS has the same thing... but can the 7z on Mac do similar stuff, never utilized the program on Windows, so I wouldn't be able to pretend to know.


    Again, one probably should write the words, and not assume or hide the linked thoughs. Which was my original objection that still stands on the subject title. There's no picture ... but avenging though is still there.



    OK, your setence is much clearer than mine. I give you that.


    In my mind I was taking to @subtledoctor and @agent77 expecting them to have no problem with my lingo.

  7. Please, @subtledoctor and @argent77, the "to many open files" error can be fixed on MacOS and any other unix-based operating system very easily.Just google the error message or read about the ulimit command. Sadly, the "how to raise the limit" on MacOS is release dependent.


    As an example, please see https://www.chrissearle.org/2016/10/01/too-many-open-files-on-osx-macos/


    Regarding your unzp problem: Use 7z instead of the MacOS zip.




    The dependencies and conflicts you mentioned are a BWS problem and should be solved within BWS, right?

    No because only author knows which component has conflict with other mod components. There must be atleast basic investigation preformed.



    No, because conflicts are usally documented in READMEs and a basic investigation is already done.



    The following mods I found EET compatible:


    1. BGEENPC Tweaks for BGEE / SOD / BG2EE / EET by smeagolheart:



    2. Useful Plot Items for BG2:EE by Artemius_I



    3. Personalized Autosaves by Argent77




    regarding 1.

    This mod has a lot of overlap with other mods doing similar things (moving NPCs to other locations, consistent portraits). There will be dependencies and conflicts to be sorted out. The Dorn to Nashkel move needs to be inspected closer.

    It is best to hear the author's view first before taking actions.


    regarding 2.

    This mod could be added to the compatibility list and to BWS after Arteminus approves to it.


    regarding 3.

    Argent77 is active in supporting EET and BWS support for EET - I anticipate he will make the necessary updates here by himself.


    Please note that everybody who wants to add mods to the EET mod compatibility list can do this. Just read the first post in this thread, especially the last paragraph


    (Similar for BWS, though things are more complex there.)



    I hadn't realised this list is for authors only. Cited from the link above:


    This topic remains open. We would like to keep this list up to date, so please feel free to post about any mods that received an EET related update. Confirmations from authors about patches internalization and feedback regarding particular patches being obsolete due to mod update are very much welcomed too.


    regarding 1:


    The author itself claims his mod ready for EET. The dependencies and conflicts you mentioned are a BWS problem and should be solved within BWS, right? I'm not using BWS and deal with mod conflicts on my own. When installing EET the first time I consulted this list to see what is available and not what is installable without conflicts.

  10. Sorry. No change.


    Something in EET_end calls the command line (bin/sh) two times in order to execute a shell command (specified after the -c option), e.g. /bin/sh -c 'ls -l'


    The first error indicates that the command isn't properly enclosed.

    The second error indicates an incomplete command.


    Is there any weidu debug option that helps to localise the problem?

  11. The EET.desktop file isn't needed at all. Even worse: MacOS doesn't recognise the desktop file extension.


    I agree with Jarno: Get rid of the EET.desktop file. Simply let the user call the bg2ee executable from the eet directory.


    "finder" is the name of the MacOS file manager. Within "finder" the user can easily create shortcuts or create aliases in an other directory (e. g. Desktop). Not much difference to Win10.

  12. There is a autoinst.sh script in the "other" directory. I don't know if it is used at all but if called it will not run successfully:

    #this is meant to be run in eet/other/
    ./weidu --force-install 0 --skip-at-view --language 0 --args-list p "/Applications/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/Game Data/00806/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition.app/Contents/Resources" 
  13. EET.tp2 generates a file EET.desktop.

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Enhanced Edition Trilogy
    GenericName=Enhanced Edition Trilogy
    Comment=Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET)
    Icon=/Users/ost/Beamdog Library/eet/EET/docs/images/EET.ico
    Exec="/Users/ost/Beamdog Library/eet/start.sh" ""
    Path=/Users/ost/Beamdog Library/eet

    The Exec= line makes no sense. There isn't a start.sh file in the eet folder. It could explain the first of the two error messages ...unexpected EOF while ...

  14. Partly successful. 2 error messages remain:

    Extending game scripts ...
    /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
    /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
    [./EET/weidu_osx] WeiDU version 24200
    [./chitin.key] 275 BIFFs, 81753 resources
    [./lang/en_us/dialog.tlk] 271402 string entries
    Copying 1 file ...
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Appending to files ...
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED  EET end - last mod in install order
    Press ENTER to exit.


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