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"Brainless" Simple Completionist Playthrough Mods Recommendations

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I'm not sure if this is the right forum to ask but hopefully so.
I've been playing Baldur's Gate 1&2 on-and-off since my childhood, they are some of my most favorite games and recently, I've got them on Steam. I would like to get 100% of the achievements but I don't want to do a whole new complex playthrough for those, I don't have that much time anymore these days so I've been looking to do a simple and quick playthrough where I don't have to micromanage much (like I would with the whole party, especially with casters) and could just coast through things easily. What kind of mods would you recommend to use?

I'm planning a solo playthrough (I've never done it, it's fewer things to manage and has an achievement to it), ideally a non-magic-caster one. I can grab and dismiss companions for achievements situationally as needed from what I've seen. Currently, I've been thinking of doing a Cavalier Paladin class but if you think any would work better and simpler, please let me know.

I would also like to ask if you think I should start on Throne of Bhaal difficulty right away for the achievement or just do a quick speedrun playthrough on it afterward using an imported endgame character (maybe even imported from BG2 if that's possible?)

TL;DR: Looking for mods to facilitate straightforward and simple completionist playthrough:
Mainly looking for:

  • QoL mods (faster walking speed, less inventory management etc.)
  • XP uncapping mods (I don't mind getting overleveled and overpowered, will make things simpler, though I don't want things to be entirely trivial and cheaty
  • Fixes and improvements mods for potentially broken scripts
  • Any other mods that could streamline, but not outright break the game

Thank you for any help or recommendations you can give <3

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I intend to get round to this myself.

Tweaks anthology will probably give you most of what you are looking for for QOL and XP cap. Be sure to include the multiple strongholds option, as there is an achievement for each stronghold in BG2.

As far as fixes are concerned, EE Fixpack is not currently released and probably not required to obtain any achievement. It's very "at your own risk" if you do install it. EE editions effectively include old fixpacks to the original games.

I'm yet to play a run through on LOB myself but all reports are that it is a slog, especially in early game. Might feel like you're gaining more momentum if you run the game on story mode first (which is also an achievement IIRC) for an easy ride where you can pick up as many achievements on the way. Quite a few achievements are mutually exclusive though so you will need to do multiple runs anyway.

Cavalier is probably not a bad shout, as there is an achievement for becoming "Fallen" anyway!

Edited by megrimlock
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