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Posts posted by Ecto

  1. Edit: Sorry, please disregard this post. For anyone who has the same issue, it turned out to be a problem with app locale. I use Japanese app locale, which meant that my cmd.exe uses Japanese code pages for the encoding. Even after changing the locale to English or Danish, setup-cdtweaks.exe would for some reason use Japanese code pages. My solution for now, has been transferring the entire game folder to my laptop, and installing it there, then moving it back to my desktop to play.


    If this is the wrong place for this, I apologize. I couldn't find a troubleshooting forum or thread, so I'm posting it here.


    I am unable to install either V3 or V4 on my installation of BG2EE. I've tried on the game installed with the Beamdog Client, as well as the standalone installer. In both cases, I have the same issue. After unpacking the mod, setup-cdtweaks.exe launches, and asks me to pick a language as per usual. The input underscore is blinking, but when I actually input a number, using either the number row or the num pad, nothing happens. The program completely ignores all input.


    Weirdly, the same V3 executable had no problems functioning on my Steam version of BG1EE and SoD, which there were no issues with.


    Does anyone have any idea about what might be going wrong? I am at my wits end.


    Edit: I don't know if this is relevant, but the installer shows me languages 1 through 9 as options, while the log only goes up to 8 (Spanish)


    Here's the full log:


    WeiDU v 24200 Log

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition\Data\00783\setup-cdtweaks.exe
    [.\chitin.key] loaded, 875812 bytes
    [.\chitin.key] 187 BIFFs, 62160 resources
    [.\engine.lua] loaded, 104 bytes
    WARNING: parsing log [WeiDU.log]: Sys_error("WeiDU.log: No such file or directory")

    Choose your language:
    0 [English]
    1 [Czech (Translation by Razfallow and Vlasák)]
    2 [Francais (Translation by Anomaly, Elgaern the Dragon Slayer, Isaya and elminster)]
    3 [Deutsch (Uebersetzung von Leonardo Watson, Caswallon und Jester)]
    4 [italiano (translation by Andrea Colombo and improb@bile; original EoU by Antonio Favata)]
    5 [Korean (Translation by web2air)]
    6 [Polski (Translation by yarpen, Artanis, dragionian, Evendur, Grjgori, and Neminus)]
    7 [Russian (Translation by Creepin, Domi, Kulyok, Serdrick, and aerie.ru)]
    8 [Espanol (traducido por Clan DLAN)]



    (end of log)


    What I've tried so far:

    • Restarting my PC
    • Removing "read only" status from the various folders
    • Copied the entire game folder to another drive, and ran setup-cdtweaks.exe from there (same result)
    • Reinstalled BG2 using either the Beamdog client or their standalone installer
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