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Posts posted by Pentagon

  1. Hello Gibberling3,


    Congratulations on your recent milestone!


    I have had an idea for a BG1 mod for many years, but have been put off by my own humble

    limitations with implementing it, put simply I am a writer, my knowledge of programming is pretty


    I had read up on the guides etc on how to use WEIDU but had been put off learning an aging system.

    I am therefore wondering, how much of the work going into a mod is the writing and how much is the compiling?


    If of interest, I would be happy to write my idea in full, in a format friendly for the partner, for it to then be written up. I don't mean to insult the work that it takes to write up, if it is a massive undertaking then I mean no offence.

    My idea:


    - Montoron friendship / romance

    - Interjections from his buddy Xzar

    - Exposition around the role of the Zhentarim in Baldur's Gate.


    I plan for predominantly lovetalk based exposition, with some region specific talks, similar to but not as unwieldly as the Jaheira romance!

    Some minor tweaking adding to existing quests.


    - Plentiful cross npc dialogue (personal love of BG playthroughs)

    - Fully edited for grammar and spelling mistakes!
    If anyone is interested, please do shout out.


    Best wishes,


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