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Posts posted by Quickblade

  1. My normal line is that SCS plays opponents as intelligently as they are or as intelligently as it is, whichever is lower- but I estimate it has about INT=4.



    As for orcs, I asked an orcish friend of mine to comment:


    We may not read all dose boring bookz, but we is smart enough to attack skinny squishy humans in dresses who do dat thing the shaman does and set fire to da boyz, before trying to bash dat dwarf in da big metal suit wot axes bounce off.


    Re: Lions


    Actually, heheh, there are stats for Lions in both 2e and 3e in the monstrous/monster manuals. 3e, IIRC has a rule that common animals have less than 3 INT, and the lion has 2. 2e, the lion has 2-4 Int.

  2. Look at stratagems/ssl/library.slb if you want to edit this yourself.


    Having said that, Ive just had a look and the threshold is 75% in v31. Are you sure this is specifically about damage resistance, and not just SCS preferring squishier targets? This isnt World of Warcraft; intelligent opponents are not going to waste their attacks on heavily armored fighters when there are other targets in range with lower hit points and worse AC.

    Hrm, so it is.


    Did some more testing, and it seems they were going after Jaheira specifically. Because when making it so that available targets was just DD and Minsc, with DD closer target, they did not switch targets, at either the base 10 resistance or buffed 60 resistance. Bringing Jaheira back in so that it was a line of DD, Minsc, Jaheira, they would skip to shooting at Jaheira.

    So I suppose it was Jaheira being part caster that was giving her priority.


    I then edited to have DD with 40 base resistance, put DD closer with Minsc, again they shot DD until he put up Def Stance, giving 90 resist, at which point they switched to Minsc. Actually behavior got wierd then. After getting shot a couple times, I pulled Minsc back out of sight, and they wandered a bit getting out of sight of DD around corners, then when I chased them down with DD they switched from crossbow to axe and then engaged melee.


    Alright, thanks.


    Frankly, I consider 75 too high even, that means someone who is effectively 4 times tougher. I was considering 60% because that would be 2.5 times the effective life.


    Edit-I should clarify that melee behavior seemed to make it hard to say who was closer when retested, I could flip it between Minsc and DD at the drop of a hat by moving around the melee duergar. That was done at base 10 resist, I consider the ranged tests more important.

  3. So, I was tipped off by posts from SubtleDoctor that SCS changes aggro and ignores characters with more than 40% Resistance. I don't know how it works, but it's true, as I just had a brief test with a full SCS install on a fairly clean (just Ascension) BG2EE install and tested with a Dwarven Defender. When running Defensive Stance plus his innate resistance (total 60% resistance), he was totally ignored in favor of any other character in melee range or by archers who would target another charaacter.


    It kind of defeats the purpose of vanilla "tough" characters such as dwarven defenders or barbarians when their inherent resistance+abilities+items exceed that 40% and they are totally ignored. Let alone installing mods with scaling resistance like FP&PS (I've gone and done some toning down and rebalancing of it, but ToB full plates will still exceed 40% base) or SoB (SubtleDoctor setting a limit of 39% DR in his mod).


    I'm looking to see how feasible it is to have SCS have the 40% point raised to 60% to account for tougher, but not near immune, resistance. I'm not familiar with digging around SCS, just started looking at it today.

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