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Posts posted by DandyDev

  1. 13 hours ago, Lightbringer said:

     From what I can tell, there's an install order sorter within PI based on categories (NPC, QUEST, ITEM, etc). It looks like you have to manually assign mods to those categories, then PI will install them.  I'm also using an old Weidu log from a previous install to help guide my install order. (and to re-download everything, to ensure I'm current and not inadvertently using any "unofficial" versions 😕 ).

    Does PI decide on a category-level what the right installation order is, as long as the user puts the mods in the right categories?

    13 hours ago, Lightbringer said:

    Others might have more detailed information. Basically, having just acquired all my mods, I'm going to just up and launch PI and see what happens like a brash wild-man xD

    Maybe I should be a daredevil and try it myself as well.

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