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Jason McCullough

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Posts posted by Jason McCullough

  1. Ah ha!  I renamed the override folder to temporarily go back to a completed unmodded installation - doesn't repro.  Now to tediously swap in and out files....


    Edit: False alarm, got my save games messed up.  Once it's in this state removing the entire override directory still gets you a crash?  Sheesh.

  2. I went back to a broken savegame and did the following; none of these stopped the crash on rest other than control-R healing.

    * Kicked everyone out of the party.

    * Burned every spell and innate ability on my bard except Slayer form and removed all spell memorization.  Only spell association is a ghost armor icon in quick cast.

    * Removed every item except familiar and green ioun stone.

    * Changed from strategems ease of use AI to no AI, with AI on/off.

    * Removing the green ioun stone fixes it, probably just because it takes me back to full HP.  Verified this by taking off the stone and then using a fireball scroll to damage myself; resting then locks up.  Killing my familiar doesn't change anything whether I heal up or not.

    Finally, the acid test: no familiar, no stone, control-R to heal, successfully rest.  Use fireball wand to damage myself.  Rest - and it locks up.  Ah ha!


    * Resting like normal to get back into a good state.  Verify fireball damage from 98 -> 76 HP causes the freeze.

    * Use the console to bump myself to level 32.  Use fireball to damage from 130 -> 120 HP.  Resting no longer causes the freeze.


    So, possibilities:

    1. Something about lower levels causes it; it repros at level 16 for my blade.

    2. Something about maximum hit points below a certain threshold causes it.  Maybe it does fractional heals or something at certain max hit point totals and can't handle it?

    3. Something about slayer form causes it.  I tried resting with an earlier with slayer form and no sign of freezing, though.

    4. Something something mystery aura state that only leveling cures.

  3. I've run into an interesting crash-on-rest bug that I've been documenting here:


    If I control-R cheat to heal everyone before resting it never happens; otherwise it seems to happen without a clear repro.  My latest discovery was a save game where only CHARNAME reproed the issue, and surprisingly pulling the Green Ioun Stone off his head before resting solved it.

    This is the first save game on this install and showed no issues until I headed over to Watcher's Keep after finishing most of the Athkatla.  It's possible I picked up the stone right before then, but I'm not entirely sure that's the cause.

  4. On 11/9/2019 at 3:51 PM, Jason McCullough said:

    Is there a known issue with the hotkey configuration?  I've tried removing the commenting out, leaving blank, and overriding the [hotkeys] section with no luck.  I've remapped scrolling to WASD so it's a constant aggrevation when that fiddles with the Ease-Of-Use-AI settings.

    Replying to myself: no, there's not.  You just have to configure it in the .INI before you install the mod.

  5. I saw the uncontrolled NPC leveling problem on a clean, brand-new installation of BG:EE.  I wasn't able to get it to stop until I:

    * Levels on join pending.

    * Turned on party AI.

    * Quicksaved.

    * Reloaded.

    * Party AI showed as still on.

    * Probably went away and level ups worked correctly.


    This seems to always fix it; if AI is off it repros.

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