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Posts posted by dukdukgoos

  1. So... PnP opposition schools? I'd still like to see it implemented. It would be fun to play Edwin, Dyna, Xzar, and the other specialist mages as they were intended in the original rules (not horribly OP, that is). It would make the tactics richer too as having specialists really focus on their specialty would be essential.


    On 5/15/2020 at 3:23 AM, Guest Rhastor said:

    Is there a mod to restrict the spells available to specialist mages according to PnP rules? This is something that always bugged me, as there is virtually no reason not to choose to specialize in BG, since you lose only a few spells.

    (PnP oppostion schools are described here, if you're interested: http://people.wku.edu/charles.plemons/ad&d/listings/schoolsindex.html)

    I came here to ask the exact same question. Specialist Mages are too OP as they are; adding in the more extensive PnP opposing school restrictions would properly balance them with Generalist Mages.

    I got the list of additional PnP opposition schools here, specifically the footnote to the table


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