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Posts posted by Mr.H

  1. Well that seems to be a fairly authoritative source.

    Any idea off the top of your head as to why it might not be working? If not then no problem. It's obviously not a game breaker if it doesn't work, I just thought it'd be a cool feature to try out.

    When I finish BP2 I'll do a fresh reinstall and play around to see if I can find what the conflict is.

  2. Okay thanks everyone, I've temporarily uninstalled the component while I play though Black Pits 2, I'll reinstall it when I start the main campaign and let you know if I the HLA are hiding in the spellbook. Shouldn't take too long cause I'm on holiday and the gf has gone off for the week :)

    Has anyone here installed this component and can confirm 100% how this is how it is supposed to work?

  3. Hi all,

    I've decided to replay BG after many many years and I've run into an issue with the HLA spells as innate abilities component. They're not showing up in the caster's innate ability tab. The easy solution is to just uninstall the component or use EE keeper but I was wondering if anyone had an easy fix to get them working as the author intended. It seems like quite a cool idea that will free up some 7th and 9th levels spells that usually don't get a lot of air time.

    As an aside, I'm blown away by how much SCS has developed since I last played it (back in the BG:Tutu days). It seems almost criminal to be getting it for free.

    Weidu log: (hopefully I attached this correctly)


    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~BANTERPACK/SETUP-BANTERPACK.TP2~ #0 #0 // Pocket Plane Banter Pack for BG2: Shadows of Amn: v17
    ~BANTERPACK/SETUP-BANTERPACK.TP2~ #0 #2 // Pocket Plane Banter Pack for BG2: Throne of Bhaal: v17
    ~IEPBANTERS/IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Extended NPC-NPC Interaction SoA: v5.7
    ~IEPBANTERS/IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #1 // Extended Minsc/Aerie Interaction ToB: v5.7
    ~IEPBANTERS/IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #2 // Imoen "Retrospection" dialogue for BGII: ToB: v5.7
    ~IEPBANTERS/IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #3 // Wake-Up dialogue for Anomen Romance (By David Gaider with additions from Kulyok): v5.7
    ~IEPBANTERS/IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #4 // NPC Conflict Revisions: v5.7
    ~IEPBANTERS/IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #5 // Restored Aerie/Jaheira/Anomen interjection in Underdark: v5.7
    ~IEPBANTERS/IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #9 // Install Banter Accelerator? How much time would you like in between NPC banters in-game? -> 30 Minutes: v5.7
    ~VICONIA/VICONIA.TP2~ #0 #0 // Viconia Friendship: v4.5
    ~YOSHIMO/YOSHIMO.TP2~ #0 #0 // Yoshimo Friendship Mod for BGII: SoA: v4.5
    ~IMOENFRIENDSHIP/IMOENFRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Imoen Friendship: v3.6
    ~SAREVOKFRIENDSHIP/SAREVOKFRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Sarevok Friendship for BGII: ToB: v2.6
    ~KORGANFRIENDSHIP/KORGANFRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Korgan Friendship for BG2: ToB: v1.6
    ~HAERDALIS_FRIENDSHIP/HAERDALIS_FRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Haer'Dalis Friendship for BG2: ToB: v1.2
    ~VALYGARFRIENDSHIP/VALYGARFRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Valygar Corthala Friendship: v1.4
    ~NPCFLIRT/SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Aerie Flirt Pack For SOA: v1.07
    ~NPCFLIRT/SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #2 // Aerie Flirt Pack For TOB: v1.07
    ~NPCFLIRT/SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #4 // Jaheira Flirt Pack for SOA: v1.07
    ~NPCFLIRT/SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #6 // Jaheira Flirt Pack for TOB: v1.07
    ~NPCFLIRT/SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #8 // Viconia Flirt Pack for SOA: v1.07
    ~NPCFLIRT/SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #10 // Viconia Flirt Pack for TOB: v1.07
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Aerie, Anomen, Jaheira and Viconia React to Romantic Encounters: v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Storms and Lightning, by berelinde (Weathermistress Ada, adult content): v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Aimi's Magic, by berelinde (adult content): v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Anishai's Deft Hands, by cmorgan: v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Bodhi's Allure, by Kulyok (adult content): v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Trademeet with Guildmistress Busya, by magrat: v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Chanelle's Gifts, by cmorgan (adult content): v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #13 // A Lonely Dryad, by Kulyok (adult content): v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #24 // A Night with Lais in Imnesvale, by Kulyok: v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #28 // Mira's Special Stock, by berelinde: v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #30 // Rebecca the Gypsy, by Kulyok: v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #35 // Dreaming of Sendai, by Kulyok: v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #36 // Sheri the Bardess, by cmorgan (adult content): v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #41 // Isabelle's Fears, by gertjanvh (adult content): v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #43 // The Queen, by Domi: v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #45 // Rehearsal with Chandra, by Western Paladin: v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #54 // Date Night, by SisterVigilante: v15
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #22 // Ilona, a Merchant's Daughter, by Kulyok: v15
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #10 // Remove Helmet Animations: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #50 // Avatar Morphing Script: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #60 // Weapon Animation Tweaks: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #90 // Disable Portrait Icons Added by Equipped Items: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Icon Improvements: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // Force All Dialogue to Pause Game: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #170 // Unique Icons: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #180 // Unique Containers -> Fixes only: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #191 // Use Character Colors Instead of Item Colors -> For non-magical shields and helmets: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #200 // Remove Blur Effect from Items, e.g. Cloack of Displacement: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2010 // Separate Resist Fire/Cold Icon into Separate Icons (Angel): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1010 // More Interjections: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1020 // Alter HP Triggers for NPC Wounded Dialogues: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1040 // Improved Athkatlan City Guard: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1070 // Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1080 // Add Bags of Holding: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1161 // Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash) -> Keep Class Restrictions: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1180 // Female Edwina: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1226 // Adjust Cromwell's Forging Time -> Eight hours: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1230 // Allow Cespenar to Use Cromwell Recipes: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2140 // Expanded Dual-Class Options: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2161 // Alter Weapon Proficiency System -> BG-Style Weapon Proficiencies, With Weapon Styles (the bigg): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2210 // Change Grandmastery Bonuses -> True Grandmastery (Baldurdash): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2220 // Change Magically Created Weapons to Zero Weight: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2240 // Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2250 // Un-Nerfed Sorcerer Spell Progression Table: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2260 // Alter Mage Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2270 // Alter Bard Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2280 // Alter Cleric Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2290 // Alter Druid Spell and Level Progression Tables -> No Level Progression Changes, Un-Nerfed Druid Spell Table Only (Blucher): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2320 // Trap Cap Removal (Ardanis/GeN1e): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2330 // Remove Delay for Magical Traps (Ardanis/GeN1e): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2339 // Remove Summoning Cap for Regular Summons: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2340 // Remove Summoning Cap for Celestials (Ardanis/GeN1e): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2357 // Alter Multiclass Restrictions -> Install options one and two (everyone can multiclass anything): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2360 // Remove Racial Restrictions for Single Classes: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2371 // Alter Dual-class Restrictions -> Allow non-humans to dual-class: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2380 // Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2390 // Paladins Use Icewind Dale-Heart of Winter Spell Tables (grogerson): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2400 // Rangers Use Icewind Dale-Heart of Winter Spell Tables (grogerson): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2410 // Druids Use 3E Alignment Restrictions: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2431 // Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi-Classes -> Tighten Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi-Classes (Angel): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2440 // Everyone Gets Bonus APR from Specialization: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2450 // Enforce PnP Proficiency Rules on Dual-Classed Characters: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2500 // Exceptional Strength Weight Limit Changes: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2530 // Lightning Bolts Don't Bounce (Angel): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2540 // Speed Up de'Arnise Keep Stronghold Quests: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2999 // Max HP at Level One: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3000 // Higher HP on Level Up -> Maximum: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3031 // Easy Spell Learning -> 100% Learn Spells and No Maximum Cap: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3040 // Make Bags of Holding Bottomless: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3050 // Remove fatigue from restoration spells: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3060 // Remove "You Must Gather Your Party..." Sound (Weimer): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3070 // Change Effect of Reputation on Store Prices -> Low Reputation Store Discount (Sabre): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3080 // Increase Ammo Stack Size -> Unlimited Ammo Stacking: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3090 // Increase Gem and Jewelry Stacking -> Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3100 // Increase Potion Stacking -> Unlimited Potion Stacking: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3110 // Increase Scroll Stacking -> Unlimited Scroll Stacking: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3120 // Happy Patch (Party NPCs do not complain about reputation) -> NPCs Are Never Angry About Reputation: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3124 // Stop Haer'Dalis-Aerie romance from starting: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3125 // Neutral Characters Make Happy Comments at Mid-Range Reputation: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3150 // Remove animation from the Cloak of Mirroring (leave it for other spells and effects that use the same graphic): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3170 // No Drow Avatars On Party In Underdark: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3176 // Accelerate/Decelerate Romances: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3194 // Alter Hostile Rest Spawns -> Disable completely: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3200 // Sellable Items (Icelus): v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3280 // Give Every Class/Kit Four Weapon Slots: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3300 // Death Cam: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3310 // Start New Games with Party AI Turned Off: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3330 // Make party members less likely to die irreversibly: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4010 // Improved Fate Spirit Summoning: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // ToB-Style NPCs: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4031 // Consistent Stats: Edwin -> Use BG2 Values: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4041 // Consistent Stats: Jaheira -> Use BG2 Values: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4050 // Change Jaheira to Neutral Good: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4061 // Consistent Stats: Minsc -> Use BG2 Values: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4071 // Consistent Stats: Viconia -> Use BG2 Values: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4100 // Change Korgan to Neutral Evil: v9
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4140 // Don't Auto-Assign Advanced AI Scripting to Party: v9
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1500 // Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1510 // Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2900 // Move or modify some overpowered magic items: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3020 // Replace many +1 magic weapons with nonmagical "fine" ones: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3041 // Reduce the number of Arrows of Dispelling in stores -> Stores sell a maximum of 5 Arrows of Dispelling: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3505 // Wider selection of random scrolls: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3540 // Reduce the power of Inquisitors' Dispel Magic -> Inquisitors dispel at 1.5 x their level (not twice their level): v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3550 // Increase the power of Cure Wounds and Cause Wounds spells to the level found in 3rd Edition D&D -> Spells heal or inflict a random amount of damage (1d8 per level of the spell, plus 1 point per caster level, to a maximum of 5 points per spell level): v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3580 // Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells heal ability-score damage: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4051 // Decrease the rate at which reputation improves -> Reputation increases at about 1/2 the normal rate: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4150 // Allow the Cowled Wizards to detect spellcasting in most indoor, above-ground areas in Athkatla: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4190 // Make Watchers' Keep accessible between SoA and ToB (warning: this will make it inaccessible until the end of SoA): v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4215 // Remove unrealistically helpful items from certain areas: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4216 // Remove unrealistically convenient ammunition from the game -> Only remove nonmagical ammo from random containers: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4230 // Delay the arrival of the "bonus merchants" in the Adventurers' Mart and the Copper Coronet: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4240 // Treat mages' and priests' High-Level Abilities as innate abilities rather than memorisable spells (each may be taken only once): v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6100 // Potions for NPCs: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6500 // Improved golems: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6510 // Improved fiends and celestials: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6520 // Smarter genies: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6540 // Smarter dragons: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6550 // Smarter beholders: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6560 // Smarter mind flayers: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6570 // Smarter githyanki: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6580 // Improved Vampires: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6590 // Smarter Throne of Bhaal final villain: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8000 // Make the starting dungeon slightly harder: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8010 // Improved Shade Lord: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8020 // Spellcasting Demiliches: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8040 // Tie difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings to the difficulty slider: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8050 // Improved Random Encounters: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8060 // Improved de'Arnise Keep ("Tactics Remix"): v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8070 // Improved Unseeing Eye: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8080 // Improved Bodhi: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8090 // Party's items are taken from them in Spellhold: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8100 // Improved battle with Irenicus in Spellhold: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8110 // Improved Sahuagin: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8120 // Improved Beholder hive: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8130 // Rebalanced troll regeneration: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8140 // Improved Drow: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8150 // Improved Watcher's Keep: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8160 // Improved Fire Giant temple: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8170 // Improved Sendai's Enclave: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8180 // Improved Abazigal's Lair: v33.3
    // Recently Uninstalled: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8190 // Improved Minor Encounters: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4240 // Treat mages' and priests' High-Level Abilities as innate abilities rather than memorisable spells (each may be taken only once): v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6100 // Potions for NPCs: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6500 // Improved golems: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6510 // Improved fiends and celestials: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6520 // Smarter genies: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6540 // Smarter dragons: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6550 // Smarter beholders: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6560 // Smarter mind flayers: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6570 // Smarter githyanki: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6580 // Improved Vampires: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6590 // Smarter Throne of Bhaal final villain: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8000 // Make the starting dungeon slightly harder: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8010 // Improved Shade Lord: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8020 // Spellcasting Demiliches: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8040 // Tie difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings to the difficulty slider: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8050 // Improved Random Encounters: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8060 // Improved de'Arnise Keep ("Tactics Remix"): v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8070 // Improved Unseeing Eye: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8080 // Improved Bodhi: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8090 // Party's items are taken from them in Spellhold: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8100 // Improved battle with Irenicus in Spellhold: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8110 // Improved Sahuagin: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8120 // Improved Beholder hive: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8130 // Rebalanced troll regeneration: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8140 // Improved Drow: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8150 // Improved Watcher's Keep: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8160 // Improved Fire Giant temple: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8170 // Improved Sendai's Enclave: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8180 // Improved Abazigal's Lair: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8190 // Improved Minor Encounters: v33.3
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4250 // Make spell sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities: v33.3



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