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Posts posted by the_sextein

  1. Thanks subtledoctor, I remember you from back at the Beamdog forums.  You're alright, I'll have to do a new install.  I'm still waiting on SCS to get an update because I have some kind of bug where enemies don't use their magic abilities anymore.  Hopefully David will find the time in 2023.  It is exciting to get a chance to play all of this Icewind dale content in EET at last.

  2. Unfortunately I don't know how to do that.  Thats why I was hoping IWD in EET was going to come out eventually.  If someone could move him to Baldur's Gate two and give options to nerf the weapons like TOTLM it would be perfect.

  3. I've been thinking about game balance and I've come to the conclusion that "Heart Of Winter" is better off left out.  You can only reduce the XP so much before you are too nerfed to progress through Baldu'rs gate 1 and if you don 't nerf it enough then you will be so overpowered for Siege of Dragonspear that it will ruin it.

    I've decided to reduce enemy XP and Quest XP by 60% and skip Heart Of Winter.  By doing this and using a full party of 6 I should be within 2 levels of the norm at any given point with the only exception being the start of Icewind Dale 1 and 2 where they were designed to be started with a level one party and you are going to be OP for a little bit. 

    With this setup I should be:

    1 level below normal when I finish BG1 and TOTSC

    2 or 3 levels below norm at the end of Icewind Dale 1.

    1 level too high when I start SOD

    Right where I would normally be when I end SOD and start SOA.

    2 levels short and the end of Icewind Dale 2

    Right where I would normally be when I end BG2 and start TOB.

    At this point I would either need to disable the XP nerf when I start TOB and play it normally and end it at the same level I always do or just leave The XP nerf installed and end the game 6 levels lower than normal which would make it more challenging and would provide a "set it and forget it" XP nerf.  Not sure what I'm going to do but I'll figure it out when I get there.  Since this is my first time playing all of this and I figure it's not going to be perfectly balanced, I've decided to play through it on Insane with double damage and SCS.  Once I get a feel for how hard the difficulty spikes are, I can add or subtract difficulty from there.

  4. I did multiple installs trying to figure out what I needed and didn't need.  I did end up installing trials of the luremaster seperately from tipun's because I don't want to start it until TOB due to the OP weapons that you get there.  The stand alone TOTLM allows you to play it pretty much any time during the trilogy and it didn't cause any install problems.  I installed Tipun's mods at the very start of my modding and I installed Argent's TOTLM at the end right before SCS.  Everything seems to be working for now but I'll let you know if problems arise.

  5. I've noticed a high pitched ringing in the music tracks of Icewind Dale. Icwind Dale EE doesn't have the problem and none of the other games on my EET install have issues either. Easthaven has the problem as well as some other tracks but not all.  It's only the music track as it disappears if I turn the music off but leave all other audio on.  I haven't been able to verify if the transitions actually work from baldur's gate to icewind dale because they are apparently only possible during certain chapters but I will give this a try and see how it goes. Using the console I have visited many locations and everything works.  Most of that long list of mods on the last page is just translation patches for Russian speaking versions of the game or optional components that are standard options for an EET install.  The link to the fixed EET version won't work very well with other mods.  I'd suggest downloading a fresh copy of EET from this forum to start things off.  The default EET map works fine with these as well as some other optional components like the SOD GUI option that EET always has.  Only 3 mods are actually needed to be installed in order to get everything working.

    Icewind Dale in EET

    Icewind Dale 2 in EET

    Icewind-EET is supposed to add characters to the game that initiate transitions from Baldur's Gate to Icewind Dale.

    Other than that you just need DLC merger and a fresh copy of EET to start things off as usual and then add the EET end to finish it up.  I'm playing with alot of mods so my installation took half the day to hammer out but I'm about to start the long journey through Baldur's Gate, TOTSC, Icewind Dale, Heart of Winter, Siege of Dragonspear, Baldur's Gate 2, Icewind Dale 2, Trials of the Lure master and finally Throne of Bhall.  On LOB mode it will probably take me a year lol.  Epic!

    One bug I have noticed is that you can drink an entire stack of potions from your inventory while the game is paused.  Seems like something is broken there.  I'm pretty stoked to see this mod though and can hardly believe they are both installed and working as well as they are.  I'm starting a new game on LOB mode so it's going to be a while before I hit chapter 6 but I'm looking forward to beta testing this one.  I'll report any more bugs as I see them.  A big THANK YOU to everyone who worked on this.  

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