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Posts posted by Wynne

  1. Heh, I was much more modest than that - 20 votes for all romances combined, but it is awsome to see 20 for just one of them in particular. ;) I am glad that the mod proved to be fun - I think that it is exactly the experience we were aiming for to give a player - the sense of choice and, hopefully, a romance that worked the best for their PC. So, thank you very much for taking your time and writing this - it's what makes a mod-maker's work worthwhile when we see stuff like this.


    I know, believe me... modding can be a terribly thankless occupation. You do all this hard work, just for the love of the game and the community and the pure pleasure of creation, and you never know whether it'll be received well. Often if it is, maybe one in ten people will even speak up about it, which can be so disheartening. So when I see a fine piece of work like this, I do my best to make sure the people who made it know precisely how much I enjoyed it.


    And now I just have to ask - you are not by any chance the FW Wynne, Rowan's Wynne? :D


    Um... *eyedart* Pay no attention to that dark-haired ex-assassin on my hard drive? This is not the thief you're looking for?


    *blushes* You totally caught me. I didn't even realize anyone still remembered her. It makes me smile. Maybe one day I'll get myself a coder and/or a writing partner or two, and actually get her finished. It would sure be nice. But for now, she's just a set of text files I edit and add to once in a while.


    Coran's romance is a game of chance, so he can prove the player right or wrong on this account or leave it as a question mark, depending on the dice.... :D


    Ahhh! I can see there's a lot of depth to him... that's interesting. In real life I hate gambling, but in a game, chance can be fun. Looks like it's time for a replay. ;)

  2. I am glad to hear that - we are really lucky to have that last minute, brilliant romance in ;) And yay! we are only 8 votes away from my standard "it was worth it" rate of 20 approvals.


    Madam, allow me to seal the deal as #20.


    I have been enjoying this project, and Tutu, for the first time immensely of late. Each of those mods has given me a whole new lease on the game. I love that Imoen speaks up more often, and I love a lot of changes I've seen, but I truly had a ball of a time running around with Coran, Ajantis, and Xan, all three of whom I had originally wished to get to know better. And of course after Baldur's Gate 2, I always thought to myself, "I wish they'd had the time/idea to do this in the first game." So to see this game transformed into not only a more visually pleasing world, but a far deeper and richer set of characterizations, well... it feels like steampunk, if that makes even 1% sense. Er... since it probably doesn't, let me say that it feels like I'm experiencing what the past would look like if the future had happened sooner. The Baldur's Gate that should have been.


    I wasn't intially expecting more than mediocre treatment, but I ended up quite impressed with the dialogue. Since I am unceasingly anal, the lack of any real spelling or grammar errors made my little heart sing in the first place, but on top of that, the talks actually kept me interested. It's ironic that such a staunch proponent of voice acting as myself would not miss newly voiced lines, but I really didn't.


    Although I got Xan first, I really was paying more attention to Coran and Ajantis. Particularly Coran. Ajantis really is so much like Anomen, but a younger, sweeter Anomen who talks about Helm even more. However, being a naturally Neutral/Chaotic Good sort at heart who frowns a bit at being strictly lawful because it can get in the way of being good, I found him to be somewhat stuffy. Coran... Coran was... fun, despite my offhanded disbelief that he would ever choose to be serious about someone. But I played hot and cold with him, and listened to his stories, because he really is terribly entertaining. The more time went on, the more I thought I would end up sticking with him through the end of the game or the end of the romance, whichever came first.


    What really swept me off my feet, however, was how Xan did precisely that. He snatched my character's heart in a slow, subtle, deliberate way that the other two could never have done. I'm an absolute marshmallow for the suffer-in-silence type, and while Xan isn't precisely silent, he is fairly wordless about his feelings and hopeless about winning the heart of the woman he is coming to love. In the end, he really only opens up to the protagonist on a deeper level; you can tell he's had no one else to confide in for a long time, and he chooses her. And I love that. In fact, most women I know seem to choose men on precisely that factor--that he will, and wants to, open up to her in a way he doesn't do with just anyone. So, in the end, I found Xan not only the most realistic and authentic of characters, but the most enjoyable as well.


    Dragons, shmagons. Despite being limited from the best of the spell schools (or at least my favorite), I could not let Xan out of my party to save my life.


    I am seriously pondering an evil male run, now. Shar'Teel sounds like fun! :D


    Edit by cmorgan - thy wish is my command - question continued in


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