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Posts posted by Myricae

  1. I was wondering, since my research provided no results, if there was a mod that can display enemy informations (resistances, invulnerabilities, spells cast on itself, ecc.) the same way the mod Radar Overlay does. Sadly this incredible mod doesn't work on mac, and EEex has a similar function but again -doesn't work on mac. Does someone know if there is a mod that does something similar? It doesn't need to be pretty like radar overlay, just functional is enough of course :)

  2. I'm remaking this post because i didn't explain myself properly. I'm installing mods in BGEE, on mac, if you need to know. When istalling rogue rebalancing, there is no option to install the revised thievery component, specifically the Revised NPC behavior on failed theft attempts. It's not like it automatically skips the component, the component itself seems to be missing. Does anyone know why? the readme mentions TobEX but if i understood correctly only on vanilla BG1 it's necessary, not on Enchant Editions engine, so I don't know what's the issue.

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