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Posts posted by chayjay

  1. 3 hours ago, DavidW said:

    Within these hallowed halls of knowledge, your story begins.. and ends. You have spent most of your twenty years of life within this keep's austere walls, under the tutelage of the sage Gorion. Acting as your father, he has raised you on a thousand tales of heroes and monsters, lovers and infidels, battles and tragedies. But throughout your youth, you have been a sickly child, seeking solace in the study of magic from the constant and debilitating illnesses that plague you.

    Lately, Gorion has been growing distant from you, as if some grave matter weighs heavily on his heart, overshadowing even his concerns about your frailty. You have asked about his concerns as gently as possible, at least when the coughing abate enough for you to speak and you are able to leave your bed for a few moments, but your queries have been in vain. Your sole comfort is the knowledge that he is a wise man, and you know he will tell you when the time is right. Nonetheless, his silence is troubling, and you cannot help but feel that something is terribly wrong...

    Today, Gorion has appeared more agitated than ever, and now he has uncharacteristically interrupted your rest in the middle of the day. Imparting hurried instructions for you to equip yourself for travel. But it is too late for that. The latest bout of fever has been worse than all that come before, and as Gorion enters your bedchamber, he sees only the sorrowful face of the healer as he gently closes your eyes for the last time.

    Alas, poor Charname, another victim of Faerûn's failing healthcare system.

  2. I have run into an odd bug with Prism the Sculptor at the Nashkel Mines - he's already dead before any interaction with him.  I can't say for certain that this is ToF's doing, but the only other mods I have installed at the moment are Mur'neth and the BG1 NPC Project (see attached weidu.log), and I don't think either of them should mess with Prism.

    When I arrived at his sculpture outside the Nashkel Mines, Prism's corpse was already lying on the ground - no sign of Greywolf or the emeralds.  I tried spawning in a new Prism using the console, and he died instantly (see attached image).  My best guess is that maybe ToF's updated ability score rules have caused the game to recalculate Prism's hit points and get an answer less than 1 (according to the Fandom wiki, he only has 7 constitution, which is a +0 modifier in unmodded BGEE but a -2 in 3e, and he's level 3, resulting in a total swing of -6... on a character who normally has 4 HP).  But if that were the issue, I can't imagine he'd be the only character affected, and I haven't seen any other unexpected dead commoners in Beregost or Nashkel.

    Any ideas?


    3 dead Prisms.jpg

  3. I've been trying to install Sword Coast Stratagems (v35.7) for BGEE (w/SoD install), and I'm getting several error messages in the installation process, I think mostly due to missing creature and script files.  I was originally trying to use the mod alongside the BG1 NPC Project and Talents of Faerûn, so I tried uninstalling those and installing SCS alone to check if there was a compatibility issue, but got the same errors.  I also saw in another thread that 35.7 had an issue with a corrupt file that was fixed recently, so I tried re-downloading and installing everything again from scratch, but that doesn't seem to have helped.

    The setup-stratagems.debug file is 6771 kB and too large to attach here, but I've copied what I think are the relevant bits into a .txt file and attached that, along with my WeiDU.log.

    The problem components are:

    • Realistic wolves and dogs (installed with warnings; name_array_tutu_scriptbg_bgeewolf.cre is missing)
    • Improved kobolds (installed with warnings; I'm not sure what those "warnings" are, but the debug file does shout "NO BACKUP MADE!" several times, so maybe it's just flagging that?)
    • Better calls for help (not installed due to errors; name_array_bg1_skeleton_warrior_bgee.CRE does not exist in the game)
    • Improved Durlag's Tower (not installed due to errors; name_array_tutu_scriptbg_bgeepawn.CRE does not exist in the game)
    • Improved final battle (not installed due to errors; [name_array_SAREVOK_SCRIPT_bgee.bcs] not found in KEY file: [./chitin.key] )

    WeiDU.log SCS35.7 errors.txt

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