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Posts posted by Silvaran

  1. Hey Everyone,


    does anyone know, if there is a mod, that relocates the EE-Characters? I moved all the Chars into the Elfsong-tavern - besides of Rassaad, Neera, Baeloth and Dorn. But Id like to have them all at one spot.
    Does anyone, whether there is a mod out there for that?

    And is there a mod, that breaks the pairing of certain characters?

  2. Ok - I see. I will try again later to reinstall road to discovery. Now the game is working so far. But the problem was, that the gamewindow just didn't appear, although the game was running (I play the steam-version).

    For reinstallation (since I didn't know how to do it better) I cleared the Folder, where the executable was in, reinstalled everyting and now it works.

  3. Hey everyone,


    I just installed the BG1NPC-Project and the Ajantis mod. When I started my game Ajantis just began to talk. At the same time, I got Coran in my group and he starts heavily flirting. I tried to be polite, but not to encourage him. Right now I dunno, if that already flagged me als in a romance with him or as interested in Ajantis (which I am ;)).
    Is there a overview or a way to check? That would be awsome.


    Thankx and have a good day ;)

  4. Î am playing in German and as far, as I know, I installed it in German too.
    Now I didnt install Road of Discovery - and the Game-Window shows up. So I guess it has something to do with Road to Discovery. Maybe with the fact, that I said in the installation-Process: Install everything, that is missing. Maybe that is the point.


  5. Hey everyone,

    today I started to mod the BGEE for the fist time in my life. I always wanted to romance Ajantis and now I can. But I encounter some problems.

    First I merged, then I installed BG1NPC, then Road to Discovery and afterwards Ajantis Romance mod.
    These are the ones. But now, when I want to start the game, the Gamewindow wont show up. (and I guess, this happenes after I installed Road to Discovery)...

    Can anyone help me please solving this problem? Or tell me maybe, how to deinstall Road to Discovery?

    I would really appreciate it ;)


    Thanx - Silva

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