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Posts posted by HunterZ

  1. Cloak of the Sewers' Mustard Jelly form seems nerfed compared to the mage spell Polymorph Self in non-EE BG2. It's not any good for tanking dragons or beholders because you don't get the same level of magic resist. I'm pretty sure BG2EE fixed this.

    Edit: I guess I'm also confused as to why it doesn't just cast the actual Polymorph Self spell on the user?

  2. Would love a tweak to clean up the whole ankheg shell situation in original BG1/BGT:

    • Fuiruim in Beregost takes all your shells for 500gp, forcing you to do a ridiculous dance of picking one up, selling it, picking up another, etc.
    • Fuiruim stops buying them at all after you commission a set of armor, which makes no sense.
    • In my bg2 fixpack + BGT-Weidu game, Fuirium seems to buy only one shell and then sets the MAKEARMOR global to prevent selling additional shells?

    BGEE apparently changes all of this, such that you can simply always sell shells at 500gp regardless of armor crafting status, and only 1 is taken from your inventory each time. Would be great to get a BG1+BGT tweak to replicate this in the non-EE games.

    In the meantime I'm getting around it by repeatedly setting the MAKEARMOR global to 0 (and a one-time reset of SHELLROTTING to 0) using console commands and/or Near Infinity.

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