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Posts posted by kiwidoc_again

  1. I am playing a game with several mods, including Alternatives I am playing a Paladadin, and I am  avoiding  joining forces with either vampires or a notoriously evil guild of thieves. I am therefore not getting the Thieves Guild  quests.

    I am being very good and not doing any burgling, and avoiding many miniquests as they just don't fit with lawful goodness. This means I'll have a lot less money and XP, hence all the extra mods :)

    Does anyone know if it is possible for me to also clean out Mae'Vars guildhouse. It seems like the right thing to do ... and there is a hell of a lot of XP on offer just from unlocking all the test locks! I can't unlock any of the entry  doors. I've tried picking the locks, and picking the bartenders pockters, and trying to antagonise the thieves into coming out but no joy.

    btw I haven't cleared out the main guild yet as it's too early in my game.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. My memory has been gradually failing me ov er the last decade, so I apologise for being an idion :(It's been so long since I have needed to use modmerge, I was wondering if the new versions of BGII:EE make it unecessary. Do you still need it for Gavin? If so can you tell when I need to install it, or perhaps link me to the idiots guide to modmerge.

  3. Hi it's me again :) I'm doing another run through of the mod and I've come up against a problem. I can get the feathers off the cook's apprentice and I can give them to the fletcher if I have only got that quest. However once I get the quest for the fire elemental things go wrong. When I bring the barrel to the fletcher for fire proofing one of teo things happens

    * If I have already given ther the feathers, she does not acknowledge this and keeps asking me to bring her feathers before she'll enchant the barrel.

    * If I wait to give her the feathers after I've asked about the barrel she doesn't recognise that I have got featrhers, and I can't give them to her.

  4. Me again :) Isall of the  confronting the slaverssection available yet? Firs t time through I got Shucks brother back by buying him, and then rold the comander he was a witness when I reported the slavers. However when I looked at the readme I saw you could work with the lavers. I tried working with the mugglers, but never got called to see Leonhard. If I went uncalled for buying the brother was my only dialogue tree option - anything else wouldn't work.

  5. I've run into another small problem. Even though I've cleared the elemental and got the ale, I still can't get into the locked areas in the Inn's wine cellar.

    I have a suggestion to make. If a quest involves something that is accessed well before you can actually enter the tower some kind of hint about keeping the object would help. I've long since killed the sea troll be the shipwreck, and I can't go back to Davaern's as it is now flooded, so I can't complete the liquor quest and the wich quest. This is irritating, and is one of the few places where the actual storyline of a quest bugged me. And I can't find a bloody winterwolf anywhere :(

  6. 3 minutes ago, jastey said:

    Although my attention was brought to this topic before (i.e. to add nice pickpocket items to quest cres) I'm not aware we added anything in particular on purpose (yet). So whatever you found is probably because I forgot to clear the inventory after copying a cre, haha. If you find anything that looks like an oversight please let us know.

    Also, thanks for the kind words!

    I WAYYYYY prefer catching rabbits to herding cats :) And I like Betsy as well - when I was at med school I refused to kill the white rat we'd used to do psychology experiments.

    The fletcher had a composite bow +1 - a nice catch but not too nice, in that it's not nearly as powerful as the +2 version and you have to buy that.

    btw a very minor but rather funny typo - the mum calls the girl at the well sweaty (as in covered in persperation) rather than sweety.

  7. Thanks for the prompt reply. I've gone back to the beginning and made sure I talked to the fletcher before doing anything else, and this time it worked fine. Maybe its the order I was doing things, or maybe I missed my chance earlier being in such a rush.

    Safana's been picking every pocket she can - thanks for the nice surpise!



  8. Me again showing my overwhelming lack of intellect (and my poor eyesight ... they aren't doing cataract operations yet here in NW England!) .... Where is the bloody prison? I'm going round and round in circles hunting for it.


  9. I'm enjoying the beginning of this mod immensely - especially as the only person the cook would talk to in my party was the dwarf 😆

    I've struck a problem with the Fire Elemental. I figured out I needed to fireproof the barrel, but I can't get the fletcher to do this even though I have the potion of fire resistance. I saw in the readme I need to finsih the Feathers for the Fletcher quest first, but I can't get her to give me this quest. She says she could use some help if I am willing, but I don't have any response to that in my dialogue choices.

  10. Sorry for the very late reply. It wasn't the first rest issue - I'd only just started the game and for the life of me I can't remember what my problem was!

    Anyway, now I am in Chapter 6 and I think I've had all the SoA content. I loved all the talks, and I liked the fact it takes time, and friendship obviously comes first. To be honest the super fast romances are a bit offputting to me, and Jaheira's is just damn creepy after she just lost her hubby ( and my character lost a good friend!) I've just had the "favourite Colour" talk and it made me smile ... he 's such a sweety!

    Could you please tell me what the variables etc need to be to make sure the roamce carries over to ToB.

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