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Posts posted by James

  1. @James, we do understood your issue, the problem is that afaik that's not something I can "fix" because it's not an error on my side but the way the engine works. :( If you want to take your time when selecting Ki Pool abilities just pause the game after selecting Ki Pool, or unpause right after selecting it and then pause again.


    No problem thanks for your help

  2. Seeing as i am making a nuisance of myself in the kit revisions forum, it occurred to me as I was limping back to the FAI from Cloakwood that a Ranger ability to have the option to avoid random encounters would be quite handy.


    Probably can't be done but thought I would share anyway

  3. Sorry using BGEE at the moment so don't have access to SI. I am not clicking anywhere else, it's just while paused I can't even access the sub menu, when I click on the ki pool it goes straight back to the main hotbar for that character without displaying the ki arrow, ki step etc


    Sorry can't think of a way to make it clearer at the moment, I am a fairly casual player and only use a few mods normally, I will have a think and see if I can express it better


    thanks for responding

  4. Apologies you're quite right it is quivering palm.


    I am not sure what you meant by choose another action? When I click on ki pool I can't even see the sub menu when I'm paused so I can't choose the action


    It is possible to pause - go to ki pool - unpause - click on ki pool - pause - choose option - unpause so I can just do that but it seems a lot of trouble just to choose one option for one character.


    Don't mind which you choose if it's not a bug I'll happily live with my workaround - thanks for all the hard work

  5. Hmm, not sure how I could be giving the monk a different different order



    Hopefully, for clarity the process I am using is:

    1. Pause in combat
    2. Click on star
    3. Click on ki pool icon (there is also a stunning blow icon next to ki pool iconas well?)
    4. sub - menu comes up with ki step etc
    5. Select the ability from the pool
    6. unpause and monk should activate ability.


    This works outside of combat but when in combat after step three it just goes back to the main screen?


    Thanks for your help

  6. This could be me being very dumb, but I am playing a monk with the latest kit revisions installed, when I click on the ki pool outside of combat it gives me the options appropriate for my level, when I'm in combat however it just gives me the ki pool icon and then no secondary options.


    What am I doing wrong?


    I am playing BGEE with no other mods, but this also happened on a heavily modded BG2 game.


    P.S Even without the special abilities monk is very much holding his own in my game!

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