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Posts posted by ScarletLemur

  1. Thanks thirty-seven million nightmare guy. After taking your advice, then fixing NUMEROUS bugs of my own in the .tp2, I got the thing installed. You are a true hero to me. Oddly enough, though, after having put so much thought and effort into this kit... I find myself drained of enthusiasm for actually playing the thing. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks again.

  2. ~NewDruid 0 0 0 0 15 15~

    ~NewDruid 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1~

    ~NewDruid 1 0 0 0 0 0~


    ~K_D_H K_D_D K_D_G K_D_E K_D_HE K_D_HL K_D_HO~

    ~0x00004000 11~

    SAY ~Broken Druid~

    SAY ~Broken Druid~

    SAY ~Broken Druid: description etc.~



    That's it. Thanks for the unexpectedly prompt suggestions, sadly I had to go to work and only read them just now. I'm afraid I don't know what a ".tra" is... So I can't answer that one. Should this be working?

  3. Ach.... I'm trying to follow Cam's directions pretty much to the letter. If it makes a difference, I'm working on a Mac, OS 10.2.8. I try to install my completed mod via WeiDU in the Terminal, and I get a "PARSE ERROR at line 16 column 1-3", "Near Text: SAY", and then "syntax error". It so happens that line 16, column 1-3 of my .tp2 is the letters "SAY" as per Cam's tutorial... Any idea what my machine might be complaining about? Is the command "SAY" outdated or something? Again, complete noob, completely at a loss. No idea what's going on.

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